The Global Government does not want you to have children. That's it

The Global Government does not want you to have children. That's it.

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with a roastie like that neither do i

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No tattoos, waifu material

Are blonde tits good for global coffee?

She does kinda look cute in this pic though.

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Tattoos are for scummy whores

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that and every other one

Never change bro
Fuck jannies


Something me and the government finally agree on

They want children, just not ours

Fucking kek. Faggot confirmed.

bazat si tomboietel

Boring body. Wouldn't even glance at IRL

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basically they want a planet of (((them))) and niggers. They unironically see blacks as nothing more than a slave race. all other races are problematic for them

Honestly she actually kind of looks good here. If she had any tits or any curvage to her body, I would even wager on saying she looks hot.

that's a man

she does, you just can't see it there

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Wow, she actually looks like a woman in this pic