What is the best way to kill yourself?

What experience do you have from being years on Any Forums? I've seen many suicides here, but which method is the most effective?

Attached: fag removes himself headshot.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

fuck nigger why did you how to remind me of this clip again. Poor dude got groomed by trannies.

Auto-erotic self asphyxiation

user, chill out.

>What is the best way to kill yourself?
living in the baltics

i always thought freezing to death was the way

How weak minded you need to be to fall for Any Forums /soc/ and /adv/ tricks?

Attached: discord cutehouse 4chan trap shills.jpg (3000x8500, 1.82M)

Go into politics and talk about the chosen too much.
They'll make it look like suicide and best of all THEY DO IT FOR FREE

Actually the vid is by definition the best way since it has a 99.5% probability of being succesfull and painless, as in after the shot there is no brain to percieve anything and you surely can´t miss your head.

There is also the hellium method but it´s a bit more convoluted.

That was his choice, truly

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Yeah, but it's like zombism. This is a victory, even if it doesn't feel like it. (s)He would have grown up to groom more children into making the same mistake.

Attached: it is what it is.jpg (1280x1024, 243.33K)

I'm personally between hanging, drowning myself with anchor or slitting my wrists in a hot bath while drunk.

I dont care about the guy who cared groomed I really feel bad for his mom after she walked in and saw his brains on the ceiling.

Lay down on a train track?
Jump off a building over 6 stories
Slit wrists
Death by cop
Put a hose in your car exhaust and run
It into the cabin
Tie slipknot and hang self
Take sleeping pills (alot of them)
Open the cabin doors on commercial flight
Drive over 45 into a wall or mountain side
Theres alot of ways user idk why
You want to kill yourself tho

Drunk, bathtub and toaster


Getting a gun like that (and Europe essentially) would be impossible, unless you're a hunter with long training hours on the record...

Attached: reiko trap farm r9k.jpg (900x741, 114.39K)

Asking for a friend, user?

By fighting an "impossible battle", while you defend something you love.

least painful?
probably helium exit bag

most effective?
a guillotine

go steal all your granny's insulin, troon

groom groom go boom boom.

They will pay for this
He's burning in hell now
The culprits shall join him soon

Looks like he missed.

Attached: brainlet.png (640x362, 266.04K)