Original text:
>China's countermeasures will not be one-off but a combination of long-term, resolute and steadily advancing actions.

>Oooohhhh ^_^ american have so big cock, chinaman very small cock ;_; but american soooo big cock! chinaman love american cock sooo much.

Ok I have to give it to you burgers that everyone's still afraid of you obviously.

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i like the idea of this wet tissue being referred to as a "Force"

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)

>the trend of China realizing full reunification.
That’s some heavy cope.


the only dragon in Asia is Russia.
chinese are pandas.
you are german shepard at best.

ok, they're a paper tiger. I admit it. honestly was worried for a moment. but they are just the bugs they are I guess. will never take anything coming from them serious again.

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O kurwa ale cringe xD idź spać pod liściami zjebie xD

>Ok I have to give it to you burgers that everyone's still afraid of you obviously.
Thanks Hans, probably won't last much longer though.
We purged most of our good fighting men and replaced them with sextuple vaxxed trannies, and recruitment is down something awful.
We're just getting by on reputation at this point.

Im so tired of this non happenings

The jews are out in full force to shill for their jewish system

Attached: Pelosi.jpg (542x585, 103.19K)

>the belly of the dragon will drip with milk

Why would China go to war just as its catching up in military technology?

J-20s, J35s, nuclear aircraft carrier in planning already, H20 stealth bomber, new generation nuclear submarines all are about or close to enter service/be mass produced.

By the 2030s they'll be ready, right now is too early and would be a miscalculation, even if it means Xi risks losing the elections.

disgusting language. Really reflects centuries of german and russian rape

>rubbing it in intensifies

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>turkish dick tastes so much better

So now that 2 superpowers turned out to be absolute clowns, what's the implications of that for USA?

Yeah, just like when they took Hong Kong back. That was such a huge cope hahaha

faggot wumaos shills are awfully quiet now hope yall got executed lmao

You would know Hans

>what's the implications of that for USA?
More monkeypox and child drag queen hours at the local library. Russians and Chinese = pwned

Rest assured, Bidwell, in 20 years or so, the ravages of old age will deal with the bear far more cruelly than we ever could have.
Bidwell: revenge is sweet sir

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They will keep seething that China didn't fall for the bait, which means that China remains in line to surpassing the US

Our clowning already happened with a false election

Some netizens were expecting Pelosi's plane to be shot down.

Why would the PLA do that?

That would only make Pelosi a martyr.

Worst, the U.S. could argue that she technically never "set foot" on Taiwan, and what China did was unprovoked aggression.

The CPC is not foolish.

Remember, China's red line is Pelosi IN Taiwan.

As long as Nancy was not yet in Taiwan, she hasn't crossed that line.

But now that she HAS actually landed, the red line has been officially crossed.

The USA has made its move.

It's China's turn.

And it won't be predictable.

By the way, it doesn't matter if Pelosi's plane left Taiwan tomorrow; Nancy is not some kind of prize to be held hostage.

The symbolic act of crossing the red line has already occurred.

So China now has the justification required to do whatever is best for China.

Wait and see.

Therefore the decision whether to wage war or not must never be taken lightly.

That is why I believe China's retaliation should be by other means if possible.

China is fucking bullshit.

>coping this hard
yikes chang grow up go back to spamming bbc you faggot

They let the niggers into their pasture

Ching Chong Ping Pong to you too, fella

Full reunification has never been tried before.

>Taiwan belongs to China

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In other words nothing ever happens


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>want to be recognized as a global power
>act like a third world shithole

whats wrong with china?

Fucking china thought they could join the new world and they can't even handle getting shit on. They will isolate and withdraw further like the emo teenagers they are, threatening to kill themselves and others but never do.

Attached: 1612200225811.jpg (580x442, 54.27K)

Correction: 3 world powers are clowns

The British empire shall rise again in 2 to 20 years

Yeah they will pretend nothing happened until everyone forgets.

>cucked germ projecting his sucking of amerimutt cock
You are the one destroying your own industry and economy and became completely dependent on JewSA in all manners, because you have a puppet government and you are a cucked occupied nation. Why even talk shit in your position?
And yeah, "everyone" is afraid. Except one country which actually followed through and invaded.

fuck off chang, your country is made up of faggot bug men

List of considered actions include:
Lowering hips until the entire BWC is inside
Switching to reverse cowgirl
Anal (least likely because of the doodoo pox)

Forgot Afghanistan glowie

10% of all human consumed oils in china is "Sewer Oil" or "Gutter Oil" literally extracted from trash
>Gutter oil or sewer oil (Chinese: 地沟油 / 地溝油; pinyin: dìgōu yóu, or 餿水油; sōushuǐ yóu) is waste oil collected from sources such as restaurant fryers, grease traps, slaughterhouse waste, and fatbergs for repeated use for food preparation.[1] The term may also be applied to oil that has been recycled. Gutter oil is harmful to health.
the bugmen problem will solve itself

Taking which lands?

I thought you faggots were bears

it's official, g5 is anti-western propaganda while itself being the most obnoxious western piece of shit to ever exist

They're really lame and uncreative. I don't expect a war but they could be creative and do stuff to embarass america like broadcast all the black on asian attacks in the US 24/7 on their major networks.

Their top leadership are just cultural revolution boomers who dont understand modern internet culture. They think phrases like "you're playing with fire" and military exercises like they're North Korea are effective.

What is a lease?
