Am I Jewish?

Am I a Jewish Kike?

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idk but youre kinda cute :3

Maybe maybe not

A turkish jewish kike

Show feet.

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You have no shoulders, manlet! You look like a stump.


Are you gay or a real woman? Hopefully the second.

all whites are jewish

so yes

we have the same basic hair-type

women love this shit

Just workout a bit, and try to eat as best as you can and you will be fine

Is this what 6 months of test does a woman?

And u look white

You like a White man.

I bow down to you Master.


looking good serb bro
you have a really clean face, how old are you?


100% you will be a MTF tranny in less than 4 years.

You kinda look a little bit like my uncle from his younger days kek.

You look like Turkey Tom, mericamutt

You're going to Hell.

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Peter Parker?

When you move to Serbia Spenny?

How's Beograd

looking like Ron Asheton from The Stooges with the aviators and hair. He even wore nazi attire a lot too.

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Slav Devon Werkheiser

shave pedo stache and you will look better
u look good though !
serbs arent manlets u stupid mutt

>in serbia
Doubt. He is not rich enough to avoide public places.

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He's a Serbian. Look at the flag again.

there are no women on this website

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Your coming with me

>Brown eyes
>Brown hair

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Yea I know, but he looks like this nigga

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the eyebrows look similar, but other than that I don't see it

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He's whiter than you, faggot.

Your nose says you are not

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Ti majke ti toliko glup da postavis svoje slike na čenu? Jebem vam deco mater, postajete glupi ko ameri. Idi igraj se napolju, ovde picke neces videti.

he looks like that tomboy you keep posting 24/7

my guy just needs a haircut, clean up the eyebrow area, maybe shave the stache Idk it doesn't look that bad

also start hitting the gym, convert that baby fat to muscle

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>serbs arent manlets u stupid mutt
You are a dumb nigger, I’m sure you already know that though kek

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Why you posting your face here dude.

Ik a serbian IRL and you fucks all look the same

you have a very comfy room :3

And his parents are from Bulgaria.

>t. pubeless

you have beautiful covenant eyes

thank you for the kind words

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Izgledas kao pedercina

doubt it.

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Since when is 5'11" for man short
stupid ass nigga

You look like Elliott Smith only less drugged up and way gayer.

No faggot.

Kek angry ned imigrant.

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reffer to

Idk but definitely a faggot. Nice capitillar eye brows.

easy to find out, how do you feel about white christians?

nemoj biti tako nepristojan svi smo mi ovde drugari

>Since when is 5'11" for man short
stupid ass nigga
Manlet detected. You could always try lifts.

Look what he has around his neck.

>serbian men are 180.57cm

ok goofy ass nigga
5'10-5'11 is the ideal height for male.

That ain't you, get the fuck out!


man I can't wait to find a black guy you look like

lmao imagine nigger

Ur mad than im literally whiter than you mohammed/pablo sanchez?

a sta ce mi se desiti majke ti

Obrij glavu i postani muskarac.
I kosu i taj pederasti gimnazijalski brcic.

Thanks for the retinal scan.

Do take a fucking shower, hair looks greasy