How will China attempt to save face?

How will China attempt to save face?

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New virus

Cut off the rest of our supplies, sending us into a massive deficit, and pitching us into a state similar to the USSR of the 1980s.


Likely sending Russia some help

Trust the plan

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by pretend nothing happened on 8/2/22, this will only work on their own citizen tho, its useless out here.

Man, times have changed.

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China's population think what they're told, their leaders only care about maintaining wealth and access to fresh cunny. There's no ideology, just one big pyramid scheme.

send more BBC posters on 4chin

Fuck off, Zelinksy.

china needs US imports of food so they don't starve.

Checked. Kekked. Fpbp.

Ese maldito Winnie da Puc debería estar satisfecho ya que no exterminé a su maldito negro y su perra

>How will China attempt to save face?

keep buying up western farm land

they summoned our ambassador
they are performing cruel bdsm procedures to him as we speak

Made in American owned labs

At least they buy it rather than appropriate it from farmers.

They cant. Its over.

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I'm sure this won't matter, if the 2 countries' relationship deteriorates significantly they will just confiscate the land. It would only matter if China makes the land unusable for farming

>it was just 4d chess
>war with china exposes American politicians who took CCP money
>now they hang for TREASON
>see we did you a favor

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replace xi

Cut off supply chains with America.

That's the second one I've seen today where they had Xi in Qing Dynasty robes. It kind of blows my mind that this is what passes for 'political thought' in my country.

CCP is more scared of Chinese workers not having jobs and revolting against CCP

I love how much Chinese people care about saving face, it makes fucking with the shills fun

Hopefully they will murder some mutts in the process

Don't forget that China defeated US in 1953, during the peak power of US

Flood tic-tok with Any Forums memes. American will collapse within a month.

Wow china sounds STRONG why is that?

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Hard to believe 20 years ago Putin was a westaboo that had contracts with the US, supported US war efforts and wanted to join NATO and the EU

By invading Taiwon.
It will go horribly wrong.

Nothing, it was all orchestrated. They own DC already. This was a publicity stunt for the polls and to give corporate media another distraction that even the neocons at Fox would hyperfocus on.

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>chinks double crossed (((The Jews)))