I love white women so much


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I been lovin BLAKK KWEENS.

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i'm not clicking that shit nigger. reddit is a fag website.


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This. OP is a fag

she's not enough cute to be this crazy

fucking gross

I love white women too, just not white human women.

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damn this bitch just blew up her entire life because she wanted to fuck with a male wagie. good fucking riddance.

Watched it. She looks like a leftist, but was hating on a black dude which pissed off the reddit leftists. Are white women finally coming home?


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What conditions in childhood cause such entitlement?
Everyone is a little entitled in their own way but this level of narcissistic entitlement is insane.

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>What a lack of BBC does to a hoe

yes, but slowly.


>that voice
Why is it so arousing and yet the most repulsive thing at the same time? Do the Japs or Germans have a word for this... I know they are good at that.

>linking r*ddit
fuck you, OP. I ain't clicking that shit.

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>What conditions in childhood cause such entitlement?
being raised as a woman and never being told no

You can’t slap a bitch because of simp ass cracker with their “assault laws”.

It's quite boring at this point, no?

no you will never win

Ight boys. She tried out for a TV show about reducing the stigma of mental health. She acts schizo, but is based. Should I smash?

>uptalking little-girl voiced harridan who talks using hands
>some nigger immigrant
I don't know who I want to win this.
Gonna go with "kill both of them, but fuck the woman first".

>nooooo you must upload a compress webm with no audio so i can keeeeeeeeeeeeek

>linking redit

She live near you? Id go for it

>male race
She's not based, she's another misandrist cunt using shitskins as a scapegoat for her misandry.

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>Bwambale, how to we watch this American action movie without a screen
>just go get the cow

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this is my favourite website for consuming reddit content.

have my upvote

Fucking lunatic. Kashner huh? Why are Jews always so mentally ill?