China is fucked up dudes, now the US of A knows how become a threat to those bugmens and yet get away with it. What will be the next stage? I think this will become a serious deal to the chinks 'cos they cleary don't how tf deal with muricans, and those fat bastard are insistent.

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Argentina, why do you talk like a nigger?

'cos is the easiest way to talk this disgusting language

Biden calling chinas bluff is the best thing hes done. It proves china is all talk, they talk shit but wont do shit.

you brainiards are all getting it wrong and i am humble enough to tell you why
it absolutely doesnt matter if china reacts, doesnt react, mildly react or react in words only. if you think the united states are able, or dumb enough, to go full hot war bc of shithole taiwan you are clearly out of your mind since they could never ever hold it anyways if china decides to - not short not medium nor long term. the only thing that is constat here is - that the message is clear, equally, as was the pelosi trip, and as was the china response in very clear never seen before usage of words. the stage is set and nobody is backing down. what you see is the slowmotion unwind of the system you grew up in - that is clear. the so called west and the term is bs by itself since it can mean everything and anything - it can mean nato, europe, america or combination of the three in different weightings. these three or their derivates of weighting do not have mutually exclusive the same goals or interests. not even close, you arent paying attention if you think they do.
you have the commodities and the production capacity on one side and the capital and the need and financial capacity of the former on the other side. first can only work if you have second and vice versa - but thats only true to some degree, below more of it. you would have gigantic inflation in west if this equilibrium is consistently damaged. this will be not nice on a societal level -if you want that then its a good strat. you also have the problem of the east that you could/would face mass joblosses if these goods produced would not find customers. this will be not nice on a societal level as well.

what we see here is the negotiation of the equilibrium in real time. it will naturally not end soley in favor of the united states as it was for the last many many decades since you need simply the commodities and the production of the one side of the equation to even start to operate the other side of the equation to make it an equilibrium. the reaction was unthinkable 30y ago, let that sink in for a min of how things have changed. you cant have finacial markets and service (or even high tech knowledge) econ when the other side doesnt play ball - doesnt produce cheap or ship the commodities. the longer branch is very visible and even very pronounced visible, it isnt the united states or its derivates. the pelosi is king bs is ultimate cope or simply nonsensical minimal brainers. its now a victory for the united states to be allowed without being shot down (or the verbal threat or equivalent) to land on shitty insignificant island? whoa thats some strength right here buddy and wasnt exactly like that 30y ago, was it? right. victory. yes. hail nancy pelosi. we have shown them hard.

I love how chills declare victory before Xi even woke up, instead of waiting how his reaction is.

Its the slowest game of chicken...

>Its the slowest game of chicken
negotiation of the equilibrium can feel slow i would not disagree. what cant be denied is that the way china and or russia reacted was not thinkable decades ago. so the terms the united states thinks it has for some weird unexplained reason 'naturally', are not only up to debate but challanged. and there is nothing that can stop this process imo. thats why idiots flooded to act like this was great victory when in reality it was the most open display of loss of influence or power in decades. victory we landed a plane. congrats fellas

Chinese women were built for BWC

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Any language can be used eliquitely. Niggers like however, you lack the basic neurons in your brain to do so.

>what cant be denied is that the way china and or russia reacted was not thinkable decades ago

so what? that's not a good reason to believe that ching chong came out unharmed. Think about it, Pedobiden only need an old hag to trigger those ching, and yet the chongs don't do shit

pelosi is the nr3 in the united states, right? you are out of your mind buddy. unharmed or not isnt even up for debate. nobody will be unharmed to some degree or the other. i took emphasis on the shift taking place and if you cant see this than i dont know what to tell you.

you're the only person in this world who still amazed about the shift taking place (since about 20 year btw) and the thing that you can't see is the way that the murican put their balls over xi jinping face.


Attached: AustrianChang2.png (727x158, 61.2K)

China does this bluff all the time, and the US calls it every time, why is it getting so much attention this time when all other times it's just a fart in the wind?

He's right, you know. It /is/ easier to speak black.

>like however, you lack
>calling others nigger

i am not amazed i just recognized it, you made funny thread not me. btw, no, not since 20y, 20y ago this would have never happend ever not even close, 10y ago this would have never happend either and didnt you flatbrainer. it happend today. i you think landing in taiwan as the great american states is putting balls in the face of anything or xi than your impression of show of victory or dominance are rather funny.
>yes baby we landed today in taiwan (lololol) in the middle of the night we have showed them take my balls in mouth xi hurrdurr
nigger you are pathetic

i dont do twitter and have no reason to support trump. how should i and why would i? and i am purest form from over here than anybody itt jealous muttnigger heheheh. it wasnt meant to hurt your feeling but after this pathetic flooding it was necessary to actual discuss what happend.
2 more weeks you little nigger btw

why tf you have to insult me? little piece of shit, we where having a nice talk here..

>It /is/ easier to speak black.
yeah, after my reply i realized i was wrong..

>why tf you have to insult me?
you are right i appologize but i am outta here anyways

There is still plenty of time for Pelosi to have a lil' accident.

Official State visit by AOC to Xinjing to meet with genocide victims.