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Stunning and Brave

Hahaha holy shit, what happens in next episode of clown world?

pick your poison
>globohomo fag cancer
>paper tiger cockroach eating chinks

why are they wearing ukraine masks? shouldn't they be wearing american flag masks since we are the one protecting them from china? bugmen are so retarded

Ukraine flag is the American flag, you anti-semite

They can clearly read better than you.

Will cuckmasks be some new burkas for asians?

So taiwan supports a ukraines actions which is to try and take back by military force the provinces which declared independence from ukraine

It's a sign of defiance, they are telling Winnie that if he is retarded enough to invade they will Javelin his shitty tanks just like the Ukrainians.

This shit is so fake

Because theyre actors on a hollywood set thats why

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I don’t give a shit
I hate china so fucking much

it's time to de-nazify taiwan.. clearly

>I hate china so fucking much


memes become real, part #1,327,596

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>jews couldn't possibly control the world there are simply too many people
>the people:

I feel like they will actually be the first to form a parallel society, solely due to their level of batshit insanity being unreachable by any slightly adjusted person.

because the chinese don't worship niggers, yet

This is making more sense every day.

You're not. You are absolutely Ukraines' bitch and everyone sees it. Now shut the fuck up and go Slava that Ukraini right fucking now.

Why couldn't they join China as a special administrative region like Hong Kong? Do they really enjoy being slaves of the globohomo and the fact that they have a female president?

They're anti-communist, average Taiwanese is 3x as affluent as a mainlander Chinese, why should they be willing to join?