Reminder that the United States never faces a conventional army, it only fights against peasants from the third world

reminder that the United States never faces a conventional army, it only fights against peasants from the third world

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Saddam's army was like the 4th biggest and they beat them in a month despite being seperated by an ocean.

this is true they just pretend to be good fighters but actually they lose against goat fuckers

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yeah because conventional armies have a tendency to flee and dispurse when the mutt invades.

What was World War II? Granted, everything after that is as you said, so I'll give you that. We'll never live down Afghanistan, much less Vietnam. Gives me hope that an anti-government insurgency in the US could actually work, because our military history vs insurgents is terrible.

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it was not a real war

>only fights against peasants from the third world
Yeah those Germans/Japanese sure were peasants, not like they were the strongest empires in Europe/Asia

China and Russia are the only worthy adversaries and neither of them want any smoke.

the PLA isn't a real army? you're probably right

the German army of World War II was destroyed, 5 years of war against the Anglo-French and the Soviets. even so it cost them to defeat them and they could not even take berlin

Japan not count?

What is a real war? Slogging through trenches with a warped barrel while artillery is fired from both sides inaccurately and sporadically?

Compared to us you're all third world peasants.

the Soviets defeated the Wehrmacht

Also reminder that the last war the us won alone was against spain in the 1800's

And they still lost to a bunch of farmers with AKs. Twice.

we fought two at the same time, and repelled a British Invasion, and a French one

this war was a farce, the iraqis withdrew from kuwait

yes yes yes, they still fight with muskets

>onions blanco


Reminder that you niggers lost cucked by a woman from some random European isles

spain and the uk in their prime.

>shartoids considering their victories to be inpressive
lol, ı wish we had a literal ocean between us and our enemies in our finest hour

4th biggest by number, but most were armed with hand me down rifles from ww1 and we were lightyears ahead of the country in missile technology and they had no way to deal with our aircraft. We bombed them for four weeks non-stop before sending a single boot on the ground.

we fight with conscripts and planes from the 50s against NATO. and by the way, we almost won

then you can say that about afgahnistan and vietnam and every other pet project the us has. who cares about this dick measuring bs

yeah all of our tech (large majority) is purpose build to kill brown men in caves/bunkers.


The Thread

your super technology was shot down by the serbs kek

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>it only fights against peasants from the third world
because thats all that exists outside of america

Yes it is. If my country invaded yours your army would buckle even faster than your--

Oh that's right, you're a chink on a vpn. That's even more embarrassing.

>PLA gets cucked by an old lady

get fucked chang lmao

basically this. US put all its talent points in Air Power post WWII. Until you get military satallites that can lazer planes from space US has Air power dominance

And even so they lose, they can't stop the entry of drugs either, shit friends, are they thinking of beating China and Russia?

shaka zulu had a big army too. doesnt change the fact that they were primitives that got blown out by a smaller modern military.