Why don’t we have a modern Nikola Tesla?

Why don’t we have a modern Nikola Tesla?

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What is this body type?

Chemical lobotomization of the masses through fluoridation.

Tesla was 1 in a billion. With fluoride, a person like Tesla can't exist.

"trying not to slouch in front of cameras and overcompensating" type

Its the tesla chest

Attached: fdgdfg.jpg (220x295, 14.59K)

he is probably around, but all the people call him a schizo and ignore his work

Wr do...he just wont bless humanity for its too corrupted. Only when they realize their error will he arise...even if that wait is until death.

He is squirreled away in some black project somewhere being treated like a king.
I'd worry more about yourself user, seeing as you don't even know how to cast even a basic fireball.




Attached: TheMortarStaff.jpg (474x585, 35.85K)

vanity is a modern plague now that everyone can access mirrors


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Intellectuals aren't smoking tobacco pipes anymore

Attached: farmin.jpg (600x965, 66.57K)

Chris Chan phenotype

Academies are being used to strangle knowledge instead of grow it, governments are being used to kill patents and if necessary their holders instead of protecting them

We probably have more geniuses per capita now than at any time in written history.
The problem is that they keep murdering the ones who work on "inconvenient" projects for the ruling class (Id est: Everything left that's interesting).

>implying smart people are in charge and this isn’t a sinking ship

Built for BBC

Look up the announcement that was made on the day before 9/11.

>implying the smartest aren't actively abandoning ship and bracing for impact
ngmi i shiggy diggy

I'm guessing they get assassinated by... you know whom.

Because they get killed.
Look into perpetual motion.
when you figure it out and tell anyone, suddenly you get disappeared.

Well, checked, I guess.

Look it up where lol

But don’t forget Tesla got screwed, in the end he died in a cold water flat.