Just remember that europeans unirocally killed natives of America to bring negros to replaced them

Just remember that europeans unirocally killed natives of America to bring negros to replaced them...

Attached: images (52).jpg (480x640, 59.55K)

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Why do you say European as if Eastern or South East part of Europe had colonies?


Looks filipino

Attached: noblesavage.png (1282x1326, 182.17K)

a bit old to be drawing on her face still but she'll do

Ok killed natives If you want made a white good society, but kill them to bring nogs is like some kind of bad joke

>muh jooooooooooos!!!

kys christcuck, your lot are the ones that went around butchering the indigenous people. Jews just paid for the ships to bring the gold back to spain.

Attached: E1QH9PoXoAA_yo-.jpg (828x828, 77.82K)

jew is seething I see

Don't blame us

In meso and south america, the europeans introduced africans into the gene pool, arguably worse than killing. In north america, there was like 12 dudes and 8 of them died when John Smith sneezed.

Very true, just look at what we did to bactria. I would impegrate incan booty with my bgc and form the Greco-Incan empire

She cute. No cap fr fr bussin

Damn we were so fucking based.

That only happen in your nigger town country.

east europe is not europe

2500 years ago this was a greek. It's funny how a rather obscure philosopher gets a bust but none of Jesus.

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Based Spain more negros for you enjoy, the Spanish are negros themselfs VGH

I would, HARD

>that place that is also part of Europe is in fact not Europe
Poles, ladies and gentlemen

Only the ones that weren't feral retards:


90% of the pre Columbian population died because of disease. if you want to blame somebody for niggers blame the (((Catholic))) church.
Bartolome de las Casas a Spanish priest begged the Pope and ultimately the king of Spain to use niggers because the Injuns were dying rapidly or commiting suicide rather than be worked. niggers we're better suited for slave labor.

that's why we have niggers because of one fucking asshole.

Because (((you))) are negroids too, you just occupied Europe.

it was more a series of events