"We've got the right to CHOOSE!"

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my body my choice actually makes more sense for denying mandatory vaccines than it does for abortion, in the abortion sense it would be the baby saying their body their choice not the mother

i am neither pro-choice nor pro-life

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in order to give a fetus rights you have to take them away from the mother. that's patently unconstitutional... its not like you fags ever cared about the constitution though anyway.

>Dee Snyder is a globohomo faggot
So does this mean you fucked kids too, Dee?

the right to choose these nuts

Weird how he's never mentioned the meaning of that line before now.

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>takes fetus out of body
Ok buddy you are free to do what you want.
Why is it so hard for Christfags to compute this

Also, it's better arguable that people have a right to decline a medical procedure or treatment than they do to demand to have one of their choosing.

He was a proto-troon before it was popular.

this. pregnancy is just a rental. abortion is just eviction.

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So this song was about abortion this whole time
Holy kek
I know a boomer that loves this song. I can’t wait to tell him

>Goes from anti establishment 'we're not going to take it!"
>Now champions current thing, JUST SHUT UP AND TAKE IT!"
Hair metal was for faggots anyways.

man everyone one of you abortion fags are the whiniest and most sensitive little bitches on the planet
I bet if I slapped you in the face you'd rage and gnash for fucking years about it, but when a baby gets murdered before its life even begins its NBD
fuck you, dumb bitchass nigger

>He was a proto-troon before it was popular.
I have no doubt that the hair phase of the 80s was to bring in things like that, but then again that's why they pushed grunge to the front when Far Beyond Driven was peaking.

checked, of course it wasnt, even the fkn video for the song back in the day was about giving the middle finger to the man. Dee is just a glowing faggot kike story changer.

and in the great majority of cases of abortion the mother choose to have sex despite the consequences, knowing it could result in conceiving a child even though they did not want it and refusing that child any rights or even life
maybe people wouldn't take it so lightly if abortions were restricted

The right to any drug you want to take (not just habit-forming ones) no matter physician's opinion or whether it's "approved" is no different in principle.

>was about giving the middle finger to the man
there's nothing more "the man" than right wingers, back then, and now.

>have sex despite the consequences
there are no consequences when you have access to abortion and other things.

Yes you have the right to choose... Who to vote for it I'm your state that will handle those things as they aren't the president's problem.


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except the refusal of rights from the mother of the child

DEE is better at being a republican than most republicans

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>His father is Jewish, whereas his mother is from a Catholic family of Swiss descent.[6] He is also of Ukrainian descent from his grandfather.

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The consequence is that there's someone living in your stomach, someone that you're biologically made to care and love for. And then you just fucking kill it.

>muh LR
I reject the faggotry of your frame
catpcha proves you're a snot nosed little shit that wasnt there back then to know

Quick someone call the misinformation agency. Sounds like She is about to kill a fetus

This doesn't even make sense kek

are... are you stupid?

More like he doesn't own the rights to the song anymore kek

Same here
>below 95 IQ
abortion mandatory
>95-115 IQ
abortion optional
>above 115 IQ
abortion forbidden

The hilarious part is you imply the creation of a human life is a random imposition and not the actual choice of the adult female by having sex without using protection kek

are you saying that the constitution doesn't guarantee bodily autonomy?

Deez Sneeder

No you are by stripping the child of any. Lol You are so retarded your own point is self defeating. Everything you think relies on me accepting the initial premise you just replied to - and I don't lol.

Still not taking it shill