Jynneos Early Warning

Link to archived thread:

Are you going to listen to him?

Attached: early-warning.jpg (987x334, 45.23K)

2% chance of death from it, according to their own data.

I’m not a faggot, so no.

yeah im gonna go and take something called Jynneos. sounds like a plan.
>its just the smallpox vaccine

Sounds like a Linux distribution. Maybe the last shot was the hardware and this is the OS.

It's another two-dose injection

Is this it? How did user know about this in May 2021?

lol, "non-replicating" just like the failed janssen shit that mutated from ad26 to ad40 and caused hepatitis.


Same thing

Basically never touching another novel pharmaceutical intervention ever again. If it came out after 1980, it's not going in my body.

yep. fuck these niggas in power

You already took the first injections?

I didn't take shit, commienigger. And I'm never fucking going to hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>never touching another novel pharmaceutical intervention ever again
Implies you took the injection, doesn't it?

RIP thread

You have been warned

Once upon a time they thought they could harness viruses to selectively kill. Then they realized that evolutionary pressures would eventually turn the virus against everyone.
Instead, they use somewhat mild, heavily engineered pandemic diseases and they model mutation rates under certain selective pressures to get a ballpark of when a given mutation will emerge.
Then, they use pharmaceutical interventions to mark the cattle for an expeditious departure from this mortal coil.
Never touch this shit. Once you know the game, you know.

because news was spreading then? retard

I have taken childhood vaccines and I had a severe reaction to the tDaP... Which is why I'm a femoid on this autistic ass godforsaken image board. My children will not be taking them.
I absolutely did not take the nigger-19 jabs and I won't be taking the fagjabs either.

It was the first post about JYNNEOS on this board and nobody had heard that name in May 2021. Just a lucky guess?

You can call me a retard, but this doesn't change the facts.

>Which is why I'm a femoid on this autistic ass godforsaken image board
You know the rules:
Tits or GTFO
Do not forget the timestamp

Does anyone else have the other post where the op warned us about not touching surfaces during the height of the next planned pandemic?

>Just a lucky guess?
maybe someone searched for mp which was talked about? you're not a retard, you're just attention hungry

I'm married, faggot. Maybe you can ask my husband if it's okay. If you survive the encounter, than maybe you can get a glimpse. Or maybe you can drive yourself off a fucking cliff.


>Tits or GTFO
learn what the rule means you faggot

Fucking Jannies strike again.

Not taking the janniepox vaccine

1. it's a joke
2. you are the one who made a point to post about your tits
3. If you don't like jokes or attention do act like a cunt

Attached: Capture.png (308x333, 10.03K)

>In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings.


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post them tig ol bitties

Oh, I bet this was just another one of those coincidences or lucky guesses. The general population was already talking about corona viruses back then. He probably just googled it and decided to shitpost. :^)

Also, the captchas are only 5 or 6 characters long.

Attached: Capture.png (307x330, 8.52K)

No they were not talking about covid in September of 2019, faggot.
People were already talking about Monkeypox in May of 22.

post the shithole trailer you live in, queen