Never forget

We replaced you :)

And one visit to Taiwan won’t roll back decades of economic colonization that has only grown since 2018, and will continue to grow.

>inb4 “c-cope”

Nope. This is your reality now. Chimping out over a small victory of a plane ride to Taiwan, not even waiting for the CCP’s response. How pathetic.

“Master race”. Lol. You’re bowing down to leaders who hate you that control America and Europe and are actively racemixing you into oblivion. But Russia and China bad right? Fucking losers lmao.

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>you cant survive without our prastic writeboi

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>Not an argument

Not what I said

I'll never forget your cope chang

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i dont give a fuck, just launch a nuke or something

Only valid opinion, tbqh

I love Bhutan


Nice cope, Chang. We know it’s the kikes who replaced us though

I recognize Taiwan sovereignity over Taiwan island and mainland China

Got America right here bro. Total Aryan victory!

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Cool cope chnag. How nonwhite is china again?

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>USA is biggest USA trading partner
What fucking retard made that map

And they control the West, like I said. For the most part, with only a few exceptions, Western leaders are completely compromised. Trudeau in Canada literally says he wants to replace Whites in his country, and European leaders actively important millions of Arabs into Europe and encourage them to mix with Whites. But instead of resisting, Europeans simply march in lockstep with these leaders, buying into the idea that Ukraine is being invaded by a bunch of Communists and we need to save the West from Russia and China while forgetting that you’re all being racially replaced as we speak.

And yet today you showed tbat if America ever wants to invade you you won't do a thing.

All I hear is bug screams

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Shhh, let the Americans do their chestbeating undisturbed, it makes them docile and complacent and less likely to do something actually meaningful

I kneel…

This is amazing! Another victory in the free market scored by... communists?

Why? Because we didn’t respond within a few hours? You couldn’t shoot down that plane even if we wanted to, everyone with a brain knows that. What do you expect the CCP to do? Immediately flood the island with rockets and missiles the second Pelosi lands? That’s not militarily smart to do. If the PRC wants to invade the island, it’ll take weeks of preparation much like what happened with Russia and Ukraine. The invasion of Ukraine was given the green-light by the Kremlin months before it took place.

Funny how “the greatest economic system in history” can be cheated like that. China has special zones in the country where Capitalism is legal, mostly in a handful of cities, where international corporations can do business, thus making China rich while the rest of the country is Maoist. China also still does 5 year plans, one is in progress right now.

Rawr, harro prease.

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And this is "cheating" how exactly?

Ching Chong, nip nong.

American White Man™>Jews>spics>niggers>>>>>>>>>>brazilians>monkeys>bugs>armpit bacteria>>>>>>>>>>>>>chinkoids