What are we going to do about the woman problem?

What are we going to do about the woman problem?

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Her boyfriend needs to put in some serious effort into fucking another woman and acting like it's no big deal.
Just assume the relationship is over and stop supporting her.

Rape camps?

Invent fuckable women.

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shit thread

Don't marry them and waste their time.

I’m thinking ISIS

Sageing slide threads is a good start


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> I slept with another guy at a motel
> I did this because my boyfriend was being needy

A woman blaming a guy for her shitty behavior. What a surprise.

Why even bother with women tho?
Unless they approach you first, the truth is you are not attractive and you don't have the fucking leverage.
They can cuck you, steal from you, coerce you, and what not? Do all sorts of things.

>now just screenshotting anonymous quora posts

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Why do you want to fuck an animal? The fuck is wrong with you user? Sort your fucking life out and come to terms with whatever trauma you're denying.

Can we please stop dragging relationship drama onto this board? Both men and women suck, both men and women are great, we have to stop devolving into the same petty hatred that does nothing but waste time and energy

Stop simping for them and kissing their asses for a start. That's like 80% of the problem right there. I never understood men who do that shit.

ruh roh

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fake and gay


Oh dear, announcing a report or sage is a rule violation!

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If you're dumb enough to take on a stray you deserve everything that's coming.
Never going back and YES I'm going to kill women when society collapses.
Fuck simps!

Destiny needs to dump her and rethink his life.

>>What are we going to do about the woman problem?
Nothing. Woman aren't the problem. Its men. Men like you who see them as equal to themselves. When a child does wrong is it not the parents responsibility to correct them? Who does the correction time and time again? "Just wait for your father to come home." the wife says. Why? Because men are the only adult in the household or at least used to be.

Weak men have insufferable wives, children, and lives. I've never once had issues within my household.

.t married fag.

Was the whore white? Because you just know the race from the post alone.

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She's unironically right. This bf-gf nonsense isn't a real relationship. It's even in the words, BOY-FRIEND, GIRL-FRIEND. Adults get married. Grow the fuck up.

AI robo waifus.

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Most likely, since the post uses proper English.

19 too young for marriage 9 old enough to cut dick off makes sense

Cool story bro lol

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yeah, she should inform her boyfriend first before having sex with some other guys

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Based curry bro.

Just have some self respect. It's not the end of the world if your gf cheats on you. But when she does, you football kick her by the cunt to the curb. No discussion, no gnashing of teeth and no emotion. Just like you are taking out the trash. "Acting insecure" in the face of a cheating whore of a girlfriend is just not an option on the table.

Live "your best life" like a chad. Bang whores like you're supposed to and then ghost

gook women are more like to chest than other races. many yellow fever faggots are delusional and extremely stupid

Second generation chinks and browns speak English

>white whore
Modern women are like this everywhere, retard. It is the globohomo propaganda that turns women into insufferable cunts.

Someone post that meme with the guy complaining about “not cooking hot pot”

Who hurt you cuck

I’m trying to bang homeless women for money in Portland. Not sure how to start and where though.