/GPG/ /SG/ GeoPolitics General #2342 - Marmelade Edition

Palestine, Syria, Ukraine, Taiwan, Libya, Iran, Mali, Caucasus, Yemen, Ethiopia, Burma, Socotra, and other geopolitical happenings, as well as soup, pipelines and robots. /ug/, /sg/, /cwg/, /o/, Any Forums, /osint/, /ck/, /tg/, /k/, /soup general/, (NOT /ipg/)

Most of the fighting is concentrated in the east, around Bakhmut, and the South, near Kherson. Artemovsk and Bakhmut are getting shelled by russian forces. And a ukrainian artillery strike took out the antonivskyy bridge in Kherson.
Turkish Armed Forces hit the positions of YPG in the village of Dibis on the Ayn Isa line with artillery fire.
The Myanmar Junta has executed 4 pro-democracy activists. The men were accused of supporting terrorist acts, and were sentenced to death. The executions were the first official state executions in decades.
Burundi has secretly sent hundreds of troops and members of a youth militia into neighbouring DRC, a human rights group claims.
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has visited Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda and the Congo
President Macron is set to receive Saudi Prince MBS for talks related to energy, as Europe tries to lessen its dependancy on Russia.

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Fuck sandniggers

Ah my fren, glad to know your good

Do you guys want me to prove you how Israel will win the demographic war?

White people have a ME common ancestors;
If you hate middle easterners folks, you aren't white. Also Fuck off shitskin wannabe-white bot, you're less to me than a dog shit and I say that as a white supremacist.

Some ME could pass as a native in med countries, but never in central, north and eastern europe

By being filthy lying Jews?

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Thanks to the Khazar milkers obviously

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i already know the answer.......theyll send them to europe or any other white area they already deport 50 k blacks a year back to africa and not one i mean no famous nigger has ever said a fucking peep

The ones who don't pass in said countries should be treated as honoray whites.
T.white supremacist

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Who is she

Marissa Eve

killing and deporting palestinians

Post it.

So did the Chinese do anything about Pelosi?

Oh and Germany is buying the F35, proving that once again they have slipped back into America's orbit, just as they were about to escape.

>Current population of Israel with jewish settlers, jerusalem arabs, syrian arabs aka all territories Israel controls military and civilly)
9,500,000 (according to 2021 data)
74% are jews
21% are arabs
5% are others (meaning non-jew with jewish ancestry or workers from abroad)
>non-haredi jews
5,834,900 (83% of israeli jews) with growth rate of 1.2% (2017 numbers) => 70,018.8 non-haredi jews netto added (rounded to 70,000)
>haredi jews
1,195,100 (17% of israeli jews) with growth rate of 5% (2017 numbers) => 59,755 new haredi jews netto added (rounded to 60,000)
1,995,000 with growth rate of 2.1% (2017 numbers) => 41,895 new arabs netto added (rounded to 42,000)
some of them are loyal to israel like orthodox russians with jewish ancenstry, while others are just in israel for work opportunities (IT, agriculture, foreign exchange students) and couldn't care less about the conflict

So far Jews are winning demographics war within Israel proper with 88,000 more jewish babies born every year

jpr.org.uk/documents/Haredi_Jews_around_the_world.Final.May_2022.pdf (page 7 for haredi vs non-haredi)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Israel#Ethnic_and_religious_groups (for growth rate and proportions)

will soon follow up with west bank and gaza numbers

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>US funds and supplies Ukraine, openly selecting Russian targets and provides minute by minute data feeds to Ukraine
>Russia does nothing
>US openly ignores the one China policy and sends the 2nd in line for the Presidency there, while promising military support and funding
>China does nothing
>US assassinates an Iranian general
>Iran obliterates an American base then carries out precision strikes on Saudi refineries

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No leader in the world (exception maybe with erdogan) has so many different views on him by various groups of interests than Putin.
>Left sees him as autocratic blood thirsty dictator (Like them)
>Right sees him as a communist trying to relive good old days of CCCP (Even tho he says CCCP should stay in the past)
>Any Forumstards either think he is based white nationalist (even tho he says Muslims, Buddhist etc. are integral part of Russia, and has shunned caveman nationalism) or seethe at him for jewish connections from the CCCP and WEF (despite being shunned by Israel and removed from WEF site)
>chuggers think he is based man standing up to American retardation in eastern europe (even tho he kills civilians like Americans in ME)
>/uhg/ers and /k/tards think he is dime a dozen dictator like in ME that with American intevention would be toppeled (They all would be nuked)
>lefty/pol/tards in bunker.chan think he isn't Communist enough (even tho he protects the stars and flags of CCCP calling it an inseparable part of Russian history and is still using some Brezhnev policies)
>twitterfags and normies don't think they screech one of above mentioned points
This leads me to believe that Putin is a new age monarchist to govern Russian nation and its interest at the expense of others.
What are your thoughts?

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That's like an adult pissing on another man and the latter kicks his son's back. Iran is the cuckest of all eastern sphere

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