Serious question: Now that China has showed itself to be a paper Tiger...

Serious question: Now that China has showed itself to be a paper Tiger, why won't the Americans go the whole way and officially support Taiwanese independence?

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We likely will, but it needs to be played precisely when the ccp can collapse, which is around may 2023

because 95% of Taiwan prefers status quo


what would America gain that they don't get now?

CCP needs to look like it's in absolute control or they risk losing power.

If the US recognized Taiwan and the CCP did nothing, there might be an uprising.

Lol keep dreaming. It's far more likely that the US would collapse before China. Far more economic instability, social instability, and regional devolution of powers...All the makings of a breakup.

Because the Chinese government and the US are connected behind the scenes.

It's funny how you consider 1 flight 'victory'. After dogshit performances in Ukraine, complete collapse of Western economies in Europe and skyrocketing inflation in US.

Somehow this 1 flight makes up for everything because we are winning this hard.

>chinkcels will never be able to capture that flag in particular
press l to laff

Yeah and both fuck your nation in the ass through currency manipulation and selling out of Japanese assets to US conglomerates.

Because this is just an election stunt by Pelosi; no one wants to go beyond that and do something that might actually lead to a war. China's anti-secession law article 8 mandates that China end the ceasefire if Taiwan declares independence.

>It's far more likely that the US would collapse before China

This guy deosnt know about the petrodollar lol

The US is the only country that can print fake money and get real goods in return. To put it into zoomerspeak, We have an infinite money cheat. As long as the petrodollar system is intact the US military is intact, and as long as the US military ia intact, the petrodollar system is intact. You really are srupid arent you?

>China's anti-secession law article 8 mandates that China end the ceasefire if Taiwan declares independence
Here's the thing though, who cares? Chinks will advance about 20m before they're blown up by their own munitions. Why leave the situation be and risk the improbable but not impossible chance that the bugs get their shit together?

>what are you gonna do? stab me?

It's not even petrodollar system. It's system of capital markets which was identically almost the same before US except UK had it. In 1900's most of commodities on Wall Street were traded in Pound Sterlings.

Except there is one problem, if the demand for that 'money' collapses and the money is already in the system there is no way out to exit the hyperinflation.

Compared to what? Have you ever even been to China? Everything you see is a publicity stunt. Go 5 miles out of any big city and its abject poverty. This combined with their 700 million people over 50 and they have no way into the dominant world position unless they seppuku 50% of their population in the next 10 years.

Have you ever been to America ? You do realize the stock market keeps going up because the trade surplus of China ends up in your country's real estate, stock market, London housing and everywhere. If you think US and China is not 'connected' in any way this may be very well a 'win'.

For most of the Chinese life is already misery and shit, they expect no better. You do expect a lot though and there is no better for you either. It's a loss - loss.

You think once your country 'deals' with China , American people will return to prosperity ? All it will do is allow more stuff to be outsourced for cheap slave labor of theirs except because the next government will be 'pro West' controlled nobody will interfere anymore and the decrease in wages will drive more and more people in your lands insane.

The win is not a win.

Just because your mouth moves doesnt mean it produces anything of value.

The US dollar is the world reserve currency BECAUSE OF THE PETRODOALLR SYSTEM.

Every time oil is sold, the US system gains value and the only thing that will disrupt this system is nuclear war, civil war, or the proliferation of nuclear fusion tech that hasnt been invented yet.

You dont understand the world economic system at all. Just stop

Because they make all of our shit?

From the article...
But policy makers face a bind as boycotts on mortgage payments spread to roughly 300 unfinished projects in 90 cities.

Not to mention all the ghost cities and rail lines to nowhere. Chyna is a paper tiger. There economy is a sham. It's all propped up by fake real estate. The US can't go bankrupt. Chyna on the other hand is about to go tits up.

Again. US was reserve currency BEFORE petrodollar system. In fact it was before BRETON WOODS SYSTEM. Go fucking read history books on banking, even Germany (Nazi Germany) pegged their currency to USD to achieve stability after Wiemar debacle.

You're so expert at this you don't even understand how it works, because at the end of the day 'the sale' of oil for Saudi ends up in US financial securities, BONDS ,stocks and banking deposits.

Again, you could cut the oil sale entirely and change it to other currency US would still be number 1 in terms of currency usage worldwide. The 'petrodollar' is just reinforcement of already strong system.

>You think once your country 'deals' with China , American people will return to prosperity ?

Nonsequiter. This has nothing to do with anything I said, which is that China is not likely to takeover the US economically like you claim.

And then you go ask if I dont think the US and China are intertwined, totally contradicting yourself.

Working with China is all about enriching the 1% and has never been about the people, retard. Where do you come up with this srupid shit?

There is a purpose behind the Pelosi flight and it's not what you think.

Bro I think you'd be surprised at what levels of damage to our lifestyles we wud accept to if it was a genuine world war situation. This idea that we will fold up is wishful thinking desu.

Because China has most of our politicians cucked.
Nothing will happen. Life is gay.

because we dont want to risk good white lives on protecting some chinks

>US was reserve currency BEFORE petrodollar system. In fact it was before BRETON WOODS SYSTEM.

You have confused yourself. The fact that you even think this has any meaning in the context just shows what a blockhead you are.

Your statement in summary: the dollar was the world reserve currency before so the petrodollar system so the Petri dollar system cant be the main force that props up the us dollar and therfore making the us economy dominant over chinas in the long run.

You are dumb. Through and through.

are you stupid or just ignorant?

This. The US always unifies when it’s attacked (Pearl Harbor, 9/11).

yeah i've lived here my whole life. we're doing just fine outside of people posting dumb memes about gas prices. dipshit.

>why won't the Americans go the whole way and officially support Taiwanese independence?
Because they'd lose their last bargaining chip with China.

more pride parades

You think watching some Youtube video about Petrodollar makes you expert on it or that it's the only thing that matters in your sentence.

There are many factors propping the dollar as the reserve currency. Not only this. That's my point.

The fact that you resort to insults just showcases how ignorant and dumb average Americans are. You think the world revolves around you, it doesn't. The systems similar as such existed beforehand, all met the same fate.

Reminder that only reddit and twitter hoes supports Ta*wan

And do what. Write very angry letter to Taiwan and us!

>you could cut the oil sale entirely and change it to other currency US would still be number 1

>go read an economics book

The combination of these two statements is pretty astounding.

A more ironic set of statements perhaps has never been uttered in all of humanity.

You should be a comic. Honestly.

There's no discernible reason why American Jews should have a monopoly on a global payment system. Old arguments for that were America being the sole military superpower, an economic powerhouse and having political stability but none of those are the case today.

Most of our politicians are bought off in some way.
China wants to have all of America TK be in their clasp so they will not make a move at the moment.

(Though I still want to see if Nancy leaves the country of what course of action they will take)

We probably will. If China cucked to one corrupt old drunk hag they’re not gonna do shit about anything. It’s their little yellow baby dicks; they don’t have the masculinity necessary to fight a war.

How would you post on Any Forums with that lame huawei of yours without chinese sweatshops?? Capitalism loves cheap labor, and chinese love paying shit to their workers, simple as.

And China will inevitably attack and everyone laughing today will look like absolute idiots

>The fact that you resort to insults just showcases how ignorant and dumb you are

You jast called someone dumb for using insults while using insults yourself.

Jesus man are you even conscious? Ive trained machine learning bots more self aware than you.

You contradict yourself in the middle of contradicting yourself. Kek

because america is also a paper tiger

Well this is the lowest IQ board, and 90% of it is shills from various country's 3-letter agencies, so naturally the flight is big news.

Economic interdependence

China is already the largest economy in the world.
A reserve currencyeans that it is a store of value, it can possibly allow you to export inflation if it is sufficiently large. You do realize that Rembri is also a reserve currency? Nations purchase other currencies and store them in reserve-the quantities of which currencies they have on hand are the difference. The US dollar had prominence because of the petrodollar scheme, that appears to be changing with the acceptance of other currencies for energy imports. A reserve currency doesn't imply power, it implies stability or expected growth in price relative to one's own currency. All nations hold a mix of currencies for trade with other nations.