Is this the main difference between civilization and barbarians?

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Do you think t***ks are civilised?
So no, it's not

>is now off the coast of brettony
Mandela effect anyone?

Wtf look at how Iceland got close the the mainland, climate change is real.

Epic meme, fellow kekistanis.

Imagine being so cucked you give away food for free.

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Why don’t southrons and eastoids value their food?

yes, the barbarians would demand others give them shit just for showing up while civilized people know to take care of their needs before stepping outside, unless it's specifically stated "there will be food here".

imagine living in such a wretched land where you have no food to spare

they have plenty of water though

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>only if you pay
Why are the poorest countries the most generous?

>source: my ass

Imagine being such a barbarian that you need to make a big show about how much you have.
If you want to eat at my place, you better have a pussy that I'm trying to get into, otherwise bring your own snacks.

thats why you were a swampy backwater the whole history

No concept of monetary value, that's why they're poor.

Says cuckratia who wants food gibs like a nigger.

your tomatos are fucking tasteless garbage pls stop producing them

Its called hospitality you fucking niggers what kind of bunpkin doesnt offer food and refreshments for guests

or you could ask yourself why the most wealthy countries are the most covetous

Is it really worth reposting this map 500 times? It was based on nothing but a few angry niggers in Sweden who were pissed off they were expected to get their own alchohol in Systembolaget.

>lover of geography
>Iceland is off the coast of France

As someone from the red part of Germany this is true. You wont get food at someone's house
You get invited to a restaurant nearby instead.

Dunno why. Just seems normal to me.
Maybe our ancestors had to ration food more than in the south.

There is nothing worst when you get offered food as a guest. It's usually some shit which you don't like and it's rude to refuse it.

Lmao snow niggers confirmed retarded

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Those places are awesome for their variety but it's really annoying how I can't just get proper abv at normal markets but instead some 3 percent bullshit

I'm not poor so no, I don't mind serving guests as a sign of hospitality. I'm also a very good cook and enjoy it.

>medoid still desperately clinging to past glory that ended millennia ago

It's called hospitality. No wonder you northern faggots are so miserable. Pinching every penny like it's going to make a difference for your situation, instead of just enjoying life.

You're clearly from a country where 95% of the food is terrible and no one knows how to cook.

Folks, stop trying to rationalize being a cheap, cold, bad host. I grew up as an Eastern European immigrant, and every time you visit someone's house, there would be food laid out and bottles of vodka in the table. It's always a good time. Much better than being at some awkward Norwegian robot's house where they are counting every square of toilet paper you use.