Was him dangerous to the jewish elite?

Was he a danger for the jewish elite and they had to take him off?
How different would the world would be if he stayed in control of Russia?

And what about his daughter Anastasia, they left her alive?Did she survived to the massacre?

Redpill me

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He never died. He is an immortal and lives on today in the form of Medvedev. The Russian Empire will return.

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apparently not. he was a failure and lose the grace of God, however. Read up on the kings leading up to him and you can see what went on there.

that was hacked and is an obvious fake post. Medvedev is many things but that is never something he'd write and it's too on-the-nose intelligence nonsense.

all white men are dangerous to the kikes

I recall he was alo cucked by Rasputin

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that is probably bullshit. no one knows for sure.

Worst Czar. Rest in piss.

The reason Anastasia was not found initially is that she was taken by the Bolshevik communist Jews, they then stuffed her body into a trash can.

> youtube.com/watch?v=6TK9c-caEcw

>I recall he was alo cucked by Rasputin
believing in history books written and promoted by kikes!

She wasn't found because she was gang raped by the communist jews.

>Was he a danger for the jewish elite and they had to take him off?
No. After february revolution he became completely irrelevant.
>How different would the world would be if he stayed in control of Russia?
Completely different in an unpredictable manner.

>jewish elite
You might not like the following facts, but some redpills are hard to swallow. Kolya owned a massive amount of money to the Rothshild, like the largest debt ever, he was the biggest client of Rothshilds. Then the Bolsheviks came cancelled that humongous debt and expropriate all the property owned by (((western capitalists))), which was a massive hit to the English and French bourgeiose of both the foreskinned and circumsized kind. It marked the end of Rothshild domination over financial markets, even if they are still powerful they are nowhere near as powerful as they were during the heights of the British empires. However Americans were nowhere near as invested in Russia as European empires, they would quickly replace the old European money.

You are right, there are many rumours regarding his death, but historically he was just shoot 3 times

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Wasn't bolsheviks jewish?

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Dumb, pathetic traitor. He was good for everyone except Russia.

russian aristocracy played its cards wrong by assuming french revolution was just an anomaly. they should had started aggressively dividing power to form a state with both a czar and a parliament, similar to what nordics did.

That's what I feared most...Sad story, I wished for an happy ending for her.

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Sadly, he was a total pushover as a ruler so he couldn't have posed an actual threat to the jew. His father, on the other hand, was the most based Tsar of all. Sad he left us for his spineless son and filthy commies used this opportunity. Nicholas was a good lad though. As a man that is, not a king.

Why do you have a picture of Bert “The Machine” Kreischer in a military costume? And how did he affect the Jews??
If he stayed in Russia he’d have slayed some major cats and maybe ran one of the mafias he joined with Igor and Igor.

Jews were communists, Bolsheviks were Russians.

user, I...


Well-poisoning kike ITT. Bolsheviks were blood-sucking ghoulish scum of the earth and so are you if you have any sympathy for these butchers.

By around 10%. Very overrepresented, but nowhere near dominant.
Every time there was a split amongst commies, the side with more Jews lost (Bolsheviks vs Mensheviks, Stalin vs. Trotski).


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He wasn't fit for being Tsar. Read his diary, its full of childish nonsense.
Kind of like Peter the third, which was a faggot too, but focused on Golshtiniya (dunno how its called in english) -- its birthplace. Luckily, Peter the third was overthrown by Catherine the Great. Unluckily, Nikolay the second was overthrown by temporal government to be overthrown by communists. That's really simple.

But all in key position

I thought he was poorly informed, sometimes I'm a bit naive.

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His Father's Father was where the problems began.

Alexander the Third issued a law on the reduction of gymnasium education, which in fact made a revolution in Russia inevitable.
All the merits of Alexander 3 are based on the works of Nicholas 1. This was a true sovereign.

He was a retard who killed cats for fun and write about that in his diary while Russia was in compete shit. I'm not making excuses for Jewish communist, but thinking that this dude was based is also incorrect

user, I got it!
Problem was when all the jews migrated from Russia to Germany, starting what we already know.

Germany could not win the war alone, was a great effort.

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>But all in key position
Kissing Stalins feet, until those sweet Georgian feet stomped them.

The brother of Nicholas II called himself a Bolshevik. Do not confuse Bolsheviks and Marxists.

He was a monarch - so a born enemy of the Marxist. His fault was that he was a shitty leader. He was a nice man and a good father but he sucked as a Tsar. Russia was in such a sorry state in the early 1900s that it is difficult to imagine him ever staying in power.

be honest with me, user...
Are russian our allied or our enemy?

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Propaganda against the enemies of the commies? No way.

if he wasn't killed it could have greatly empowered the whites

I am a neutral observer from another dimension. For you, I am non existent.

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Who would have been the new Russian tsar assuming Russians wanted to elect a new one?

Shalom aleichem

I think his father was a bigger moron.
>Instead of pushing forward with reforms of Alex II.
>Straight up repression
>Deliberately depriving his son of educating him on stately matters.
>Succession to the throne passes to him.

While his British cousin, was complete retard
>Didn't allow him and his family asylum in the UK in the delusion that the revolution would come there.

Also, Stolypin was based. He should've carried a gun with him at all times.
While that bastard Pobedonostvev should have been hung for the mess he caused.

Medvedev definitely is one of the Czar's ( great ) grand children. most likely born from an illegitimate affair by the Czar but he definitely carries his DNA and therefore the Czar bloodline and spirit.

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He was still dangerous for the influence he had on his wife.

I wish he cut off the jewish leaders and then reduced their population

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