
>I have alot of sympathy for the trans community

Under false promises and assurances they radically changed themselves
All said it would make you pretty and likeable
It would solve all your issues
But after the surgery the pain sets in
Its ok though you power through it
You put on a smile and the wig & pretend that everything is alright
But the pain is constant
It's physical
It's mental
It's killing you slowly
You start to have regrets
You put those feelings aside
But they presist
Then you get a partner
Out of the pain and regrets you feel you think this could work!
I can be loved
Then it all falls apart after the first night
You sit in bed after the ordeal of cleaning up
Thinking a million things
But one thing still remains

I write this with no hate in my heart for the trans community
I think that the best way to help them is to continue to show them the truth
I knew/know a few trans people throughout my life & this is just a short story of what I have come to understand from them
Calling them the worst names imaginable is wrong
They are broken & very easy to persuade
If you want to stop this from happening I suggest you try to reason with them
Most won't take the advice at first but if you care about the person you will presist & help them out during this horrible time in their lives
Do not cast the trans community under a blanket of death and despair
These are millions
Yes millions of people who are being puppeteerd by evil forces
Treat them with humanity and be remembered as a human

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>1 year later
I miss my penisssssssssssssss

Tldr roll

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Fuck those degenerate queers

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I'll give it a good go

Not my problem.

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Roll baby, roll!

Thanks for reading my blog post

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For me, it's A or B


Got a good roll ngl

anything but 6C05 pls


wow you did this in a previous trans thread, nice technique to keep the thread bumped discord trannies. retarded nupol will fall for it.

Stop pretending to be a girl if you are a boy, this is just being silly.

let it rip

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Unironically not doing this with any community
Might be a trans team that liked the post idk
Regardless I am straight & wouldn't ever fuck a trans aka a GUY
but I treat them like anyone else because I am not a fucking douchebag

Roll this is good

It's 'a lot' not 'alot' niggerfaggot.


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