Fuck Pagan Tradwhores

When did you realize that she was just another Feminist Whore?

It's the moment I saw her throwing off Right Wing men on social media to the leftists and parroting literal feminist tinder talking point.

But of course Neopagans will still defend her because they are absolute simps who worship """""Mother"""""" Nature and her Feminist Eugenicism.

>Daily reminder that Pagan whores can't be trusted. And their Neopagan simps for that matter

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pick one and only one.

She has nice feet tho

Reminder that pagancucks consider shit like this to be "culture"


>trusting white women

You are literally worshipping something that conquered you. I will never get over how much you fucks wants to be on you knees. It's literally not even remotely debatable. This is like someone not of your race fucking your daughter and then being happy about it. The only White-only churches recognized by law in America are Pagan.

Literal fucking LARP lmao

As long as this bitch doesn't nag me about a magical dead kike I'm cool with her worshiping a fucking tree or whatever

>Silence Pagan. My loyalty is to King Louis, Ninth of his Name, Scion of the House Capet, Descendant of the illustrious Philip. My coat of Arms are given to me by my ancestral warriors of King and God. And in his name, the Glory of God shall be shown. I'm not a dscendant of your ooga booga barbaric occult of the devil!

Cope LARPagan. How about my REAL ancesotrs and not ooga booga LARP?

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I'm an Atheist, but you are objectively worshipping something that conquered you. Christianity is also more about globalism, whereas Paganism is about community. It's not to say Christianity doesn't help community, but if Asatru Folk / Neo-Völkisch were dominate we'd look something more like a Sweden or Denmark. It's more cultural than religious.

In any case, you call me a LARPer while unironically posting shit like that.

>Talks about his ancestors
>Talks about respecting

Cope LARPagan. How about identifying your pagan ancestors who fought in REAL battle with REAL name? You probably can't identify your grandpa

I don't know who that is. I'm sick of stupid cultists of all types. "Pagans" are wannabes and Christians are delusional, often stupid, and try to twist everything to fit their cult narrative.

It's all stupid, shameful and pointless. We don't need religion anymore. We have sufficient knowledge and understanding about the world and universe around us, now. There's no need for fairy tales and superstitious rituals.

Not a Pagan. I believe in killing the vast majority or all of humanity via intelligent machines. Ideally, a Grey Goo scenario. Humans are not so important, a machine could do anything we could but better. With such a level of computation, the AI would be able to come up with higher-level conclusions than we can, but more than this it would be able to act on them.

I cannot stress enough how objectively wrong you all are compared to me.

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>We don't need
Shut the fuck up will you. Fucking cunts like you talking as if you niggers aren't the ones who contributed the biggest approving faggots, allowing rampant liberalism, and doing sexual revolution.

Kys. Degenerate atheists like you are the reasons why my young generation is rotting in globohomo.

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I generally agree, but humans haven't evolved past being wary of what goes bump in the night just yet, and there is value in that. There is some value in these interpretations as well if not explicitly then implicitly. Conditioning behavior is needed if society is to be maintained. Religion just fills this roll more than most other things.

Swing and a miss.

>women pretending to be based and redpilled for attention turns out to a degenerate whore like all western w*men
Was Lauren Southern not enough of a wake up callf for you? If you are surprised by this you deserve everything you get. Females should not have rights or a voice, they are inherently manipulative and subversive just like the Jew, only worse because your sex drive blinds you to this fact like the million of simps willing to die at her doorstep just to be within five feet of her.

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Keith Woods BTFO her and I don't even like Keith Woods


Can you link it? I want to see her being BTFO by based Woods

Would be hard to find.

I don't even remember how she spells her name. Philosophicat?
and Keith's not even on twitter anymore I don't think

It was pretty good though