Sarracenia Purpurea

The pitcher plant. The cure to smallpox and monkeypox. Do what you want with this information. Be smart and stock up before it’s too late. I personally ordered a couple dozen vials from the Amish months ago

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This is true information that can save your life

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not necessary unless you live with homos who partake in ass eating orgies

Make sure you get the real plant or an extract. Do NOT get the tincture as it won’t do anything. This is the only cure for the faggotpox

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It can be spread through handshakes now. Possibility it’s becoming airborne. Act now before it’s too late. You have been warned

what a pretty plant

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this faggot is shilling his trash
hes been doing this since covid

I’m not Amish. I’m trying to save a life. I learned about the pitcher plant here on Any Forums a couple months ago. Buy from anywhere. Just don’t buy the homeopathic crap

da fuq does sarapin have to do with gingko?


>horse paste
>pitcher plant
What will the right come up with next?

That was the wrong picture. Just showing the Amish site without linking it

you forgot drinking bleach

Don’t believe me. Believe the (((NIH)))

Oh shit I remember kek.

The tincture works. I bought some months ago. Don't fall for the shill shit.

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Tincture is homeopathic crap. Get the extract

Cant find a place to buy the extract, but im stocked on seeds. Its a pain in the ass to water it with rain water or destiled water, also shit takes forever to grown.

I'm good. It's just diluted with Alcohol as all tinctures are. I can even smell the pitcher plant in it. I've been using some and can feel the effects. Worse comes to worse I'll buy a purple pitcher plant and make my own.

Also stop pushing shit. If people are too stupid to not have stocked up when the monkeys were let loose back in January, then fuck em. Stop making it harder for the rest of us.

I’m just trying to save an anons life. But you’re right, fuck them. Any Forums is always right and I learned about the pitcher plant being the cure months ago here

Bless you user for trying to save people but fuck em. Let God sort them out.
