Disappearance of gods

Egytians had their gods.
Arabs had their gods.
Greeks had their gods.
Romans had their gods.
Africans had their gods.
Arabs had their gods.
You telling me they suddenly ditched their gods collectively and accepted Abrahamic religions?

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Not suddenly, for example parts of Greece were only fully Christianized in 11th century.

Yhwh is on his way out.
Fucking kike!

truth finds a way

You telling me people just magically ditched astrology after following it for thousands of years?
Must be a conspiracy

no, it was a gradual thing that took hundreds if not thousands of years.


Most of it was imposed by government force, but it also agreed fairly well with the natural philosophy of the day. Science since the 19th century has proven that the stories weren't physically true and that has caused centuries of butthurt coping. Unfortunately without the physical reality of the talking snake and zombie rabbi there's no real incentive to go along with the generally useful morality bits. This is a flaw in Abrahamism that will not be present in whatever replaces it.

Hint hint
Most of them either died in the flood or were imprisoned into the abyss

Christianity was a jewish plot to take down the Roman empire, and it worked.

Hello edomite
Still pissed about Jesus I see?

we need to reject christcuckery and return to the ways of our ancestors

The long nose tribe couldnt speak on behalf on many gods or claim to be the chosen people of many gods. Monotheism was the introduction of jewish mind control and that is why Christianity and Islam were so blood thirsty in their beginning. Jews have always incite goyim to kill each other ruthlessly. Communism was their most recent example with the genocide of Europeans by the shitskins that were welcomed into their countries coming next.

Big nosed scum slowly transformed existing religions into their nonsensical LARP (artificial syncretism), this explains why it’s obviously a patchwork of everything the arab scum could find while inventing it.

do you think it's easier to honor one god or honor hundreds of them, each with their own particular likes and dislikes and specific set of rules to do so?

you're in japan ffs, the land with so many gods they rounded it up to 8 million and then opted out of 99% of that for just one buddha.

Jesus was based and redpilled. Christianity isn't even a European religion, NPChristian.

Yet in the talmud, kikes absolutely hate Christians and are basically told to kill them...

>Jesus was based and redpilled.
Uh you do realize Christianity is around the teachings of Jesus, right?

It took literal centuries

All religions are eventually corrupted by state actors. You can see it in all places at all times. Once someone figures out they can use people's beliefs to affect their behavior, they take advantage of it for political gain. Simple as.

Abrahamic god is more virulent as an idea.

How was Jesus redpilled

Yes, it happened, but not so fast

People hate jews for a reason you know