Republicans are now rated a less than 50% chance to win the senate

>republicans are now rated a less than 50% chance to win the senate
It's over, Republibros...

Attached: senate5.png (491x285, 13.59K)

says increasingly nervous kike for the 6 millionth time this year

Repubs are poised to take the House...the purse strings. Besides, when DC is gridlocked, minimal horseshit bills are cranked out. No legislation means no chance of bad legislation.

don't care still not voting


Mark my words. A third party will finally get a decent handful of the senate and house this election! MARK MY WORDS! NOW!

Who cares if red kike puppet wins instead of blue kike puppet? Nothing matters until jews are removed from power. This isnt a republican board. Its more natsoc than republican because its hard to be a republican when you know the jewish question. Voting doesnt matter when both parties support The Great Replacement. Demographics and usurping jewish power is all we need to focus on.

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Republicans poisoned themselves. They have nothing left on their side but the simplest of simple minds. While there are a lot of stupid Americans, there won't be enough for the Republicans to ever recover from their association with the January 6 insurrecttion, which for some reason, they saw fit not to apologize for.
So the traitors, I mean Republicans are done. It's just the death spasms of a corpse at this point.

Is that what you consider a win? Kikes control our politicians, corporations, academia, MSM, Hollywood and financial institutions but thank God some legislation cant get passed for 2 years. I wonder if that will stop the millions of shitskins flooding our borders every year.

Overturning Roe v Wade was a mistake

They dumped millions of ballots in the dead of night in 2020 and got away with it. Why would any future election be different? Tighten the fake polls within the margin to be rigged again, it's over

I didnt say it was a "win"...but i implied it is the best alternative.

When the rhetoric of Biden being the reason why moneypox was allowed to be imported to the US, it will seal the deal of highlighting Biden voters as idiots for trusting a lifelong career politician to fix anything.

Maybe...but it wont be Yang's stupid shit.

It's a weak argument that would only work on another Republican.
An intelligent person with a memory remembers that Donald Trump is responsible for Covid 19 making it's way into the country as well the vaccines that you guys love so much.

Ah yes, another retarded foreigner weighs in on my country and it's politics. Shut up faggot.

Republicans represent jewish interests no differently than democrats. White people are starting to realize that neither party will do anything good for us. So yes republicans are traitors for being pawns of the jewish elite. You just dont understand politics until you understand the jewish question. You're like a child that cant swim in the adult pool yet. Stick around though, you'll figure it out.

>believing (((polls)))
Not since 2015, nigger lover

Trump is subservient to jews which is why he, like Biden, married off his children to the yiddish aristocracy. No one here cares for Trump except for the last 80IQ retards and bots from /ptg/. Do you even know where you are?

SCOTUS overturns roe vs wade, gas prices going down, jan 6th info leaks keep showing how spineless repubs are, war in ukraine news cycle is tired..... Ofc democrat poll numbers going up. Doesn't take a rocket scientist pol

>polls mattering


6 months ago Republicans were rated a 90% chance to take the senate.

Today it's 46%.

Fuck up idiot no one is voting for Joe Bidens bullshit he is going to cost them the election.

Attached: Biden.jpg (873x547, 111.43K)

Then put your money where your mouth is. People who analyze this data for a living say the republicans are not picking up any senate seats.

there is nothing left to win
one these leftist boomers are done.. there wont be anything left

True Zealand.

Convict Island.

I don't need to bet money to look at the polls showing Donald Trump destroying Joe Biden by +3 imagine thinking the senate will be any better you fucking moron.

You don't "need" to bet money because you don't want to. You're scared of losing it because you're not actually that confident.

Republicans are quite comfortable with being the minority and pandering to the rural electorate
Uncomforable truth

>people who analyze
These are literally degenerate gamblers and so are you, dumbfuck.

And thanks to the political system in the US they will get tons of comfy posts anyway

I would rather be a nigger than someone as stupid as you

Why don't you do something about it then bitch.

The Republicans are literally on record talking about the great replacement and opposing it. You are literally the kike in this situation.

>gas prices
Are 200% what they were a year ago.
>jan 6
Literally no one watches CNN.
>war in ukraine
No one has ever cared about your meme issue.