We must make women eligible for the draft

We must make women eligible for the draft.

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Women voted for this shit-show. This time they can be drafted, and we'll stay home.

Under 200 pounds is what i consider a s o y bitch boy. Weak sauce undwr 200 pounds. Why do women want the most cuck males out there?

This beast is ugly and fat. 1 out of 20

> if you work in I.T.

t. LAN Tech II

>I like Men
>If you are over 31 don't message me


So fatso works at Target, but her candidates need to be high-achievers. You cannot make this shit up.

>do you work in IT?
>no I'm a software engineer

Why she believe is a 10/10?

sort of looks like eggman

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This is the power of mildly big tits

>vooting suddenly matters

As of they understood or cared about the difference.

Blonde hair dye and big tits.

I would def play with those tiddies, and would refrain from lighting up a smoke until after glazing dem boobas, I think this makes me a perfect match for this slampig, I shall hit her up rn.


if you can even call it that. 4 hrs a week more like a hobby.

Is no one seriously going to comment that she looks like she straight has down syndrome? Is this bitch literally retarded?

>i only work 4 hours a week
so get a second job or a hobby that pays, damn

Don't complain. Not working is their perfect role. Man likes to provide, women like to be taken care of.

Any man who complains that his woman doesn't earn is not a man at all. He's the cunt responsible for feminism.

>4 hours a week
the most detestable retards get 1 shift a week, like you have to be completely insufferable to only get 1 shift. someone they can't fire, but is such a useless garbage person you can only stand 4 hours of them.
t. former retailfag manager who wrote the schedule

Women aren't supposed to work you dummies. Even if you're an atheist and look at things from an evolutionary pov, man is the one who hunted and brought home the food. Woman was at home taking care of babies, sewing clothes, etc. If we apply these teachings to today, men and only men should be allowed to work.

>works 4 hours a week, at walmart+
absolutely retarded

if there was any justice in this world a useless blob like her would have never existed in the first place