The ideology that takes over 100% of the game board or removes all other ideologies is the winner.


1) Only anons using one of the 4 meme flags represented on the board may issue orders. All other flags will be ignored

2) To issue an order you must respond to OP and include BOTH the ideology and tile number. For example, "ancap 23" or "9-tree huggers". Orders that don't follow the format will be ignored.

3) You can only take a tile that is directly connected to tiles that an ideology has already taken.

4) Opening moves can only come from a home tile in the 4 corners of the board to one of the 3 tiles it's connected to.

5) If a home tile is taken by another ideology then then it is eliminated from the game and all its other tiles go back to blank.

6) Orders will be executed as they arise in the thread and the updated board will be posted in response to that order/ comment.

7) The only legitimate game board/ board updates are the ones posted by OP. All others are to be ignored.

NOTE: If OP misses a legitimate order then the game will continue as if it wasn't posted. There is no going backward. Simply repost your order and try again or just post a new one.

Have fun!

Attached: pol_game.png (800x738, 72.43K)

I just want to kill you loved ones

Not nice.

an-cap 23

Attached: pol_game.png (800x738, 68.76K)

omega based

ancap 16

Ancaps in the lead

Attached: pol_game.png (800x738, 73.84K)


Shouldn't gays be commies?

yeah but both nazis and commies are red. so I chose nazis this time.

I'd rather play Secret Hitler with my Any Forums bros than whatever faggy shit this is.

an-caps 10

Tree hugger 4

Tree Huggers 15

Fuck also forgot to say fpbp


Attached: pol_game.png (800x738, 81.7K)

Tree hugger 8

ancap 34

Attached: pol_game.png (800x738, 83.46K)

Where is my 9 bitch?

ancap h1

Tree hugger 22

Attached: pol_game.png (800x738, 88.46K)


tree huggers 9

Tree hugger 28


Attached: pol_game.png (800x738, 89.7K)

>ancaps astroturf natsoc

tree huggers 13

tree huggers 28

Nazi zombie invasion charge. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, H2.

Tree hugger 3

Attached: pol_game.png (800x738, 95.34K)

tree huggers H4

nah. id be okay with nazis taking over gay though

gays 37

Gay to 37

Tree huggers 19

tree huggers 19

Attached: pol_game.png (800x738, 96.04K)