What are your thoughts on piracy?

What are your thoughts on piracy?

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It's pretty badass.

It makes jews seethe.

Fully legitimate if you understand libertarian ethics

It isn't just convenient, but a moral good. And anyone who tells you otherwise is a faggot who sucks celebrity cock.

It's good.
I used to pirate everything when i was younger and had no money, now i pay for my shit especially that i have an argentinian steam account so everything is -90% cheaper.
Now i only pirate if i dont want the company getting a single cent from me.
I will pirate the new borderlands game.

its great to try out games , and you just buy them if they are good. modern woke trash deserves no money same with garbage games that look good on the surface to trick you. idk why you would pirate anime when you can get any of that crap for free online

konata is my wife

All for it. There are many digital items and services that I would pay for if they weren't ridiculously expensive. There is no reason for Adobe's creative suite, for instance, to cost $10000. I was also willing to purchase an IDE a few months ago (I can't remember its name immediately) - the asking price was something absurd like $400 a year and it was a subscription model, of course, and that's for the "personal" edition. Not that I really play them any longer, but video games also seem to cost $60 standard now, and most of that kike shit provides like two days of entertainment, max (obviously there are better examples, but you know what I mean).

It's a joke. Via subscription models, kike bullshit and general efforts to make software more difficult to use (security policies, forced updates and shit), they have forced me out of the market. I will gladly pay for good products as a token of support, but I'm not spending a cent on some Jewish subscription rackets so they can hire shitskin digital artists to put Ukrainian flags on their websites.

As with most things, when Jewish elements are purged and prices are brought to a reasonable standard that is fair on the customer, I will gladly participate and pay to support good products. Until such time comes, it's the high seas for me.

>I will pirate the new borderlands game.
im glad i pirated the last one was garbage how it was worse then 1 idk had less gun diversity as well

I torrent at my local library or gym I don't give a fuck

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Copying is probably a more accurate term, and puts the act into perspective.

gendo didn't pay for shit, government and private funding was used.

Pirates are free. They may not be safe, or happy all the time, but they're free.
Piracy is ethical, and more importantly awesome. It's also a natural response to the commu-terror of the modern globohomo regime, as it was to the prototype colonial empires.
I understand Any Forums has a large group of National Socialists that inhabit, I wonder what their opinions on piracy are.

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I pirated that one too but i had only 8GB of ram so it was stuttering like crazy. I uninstalled it after 30 minutes

>konata is my wife
I accept your challenge...

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Its great. pirate away. There are many ways to support your favorite creators at will. plus once information becomes digital it loses scarcity, thus there is actually no cost to reproduce. I have no problem supporting creators when and where its comfy to do so, and no more. Pirate the rest. pirate stuff I already own.

On the other side copyright and enforced scarcity turned society's losers, actors and writers, into celebrities and influence makers. The entertainment mediums need a horrific crash so maybe we can start idolizing people that actually matter and not the "creative" class.

I used to oppose it on purely moral grounds. Now I support it on purely moral grounds.

you didn't miss out on anything was terrible , the only things i remember about that game is how much i hated all the characters (even the playable ones) and how surprised i was that the gun system (the main draw to borderlands) was a downgrade from all the other games.

Woah, there.
Settle down, buster


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Based and comiepilled

I neither view it as a moral good, nor a moral evil. I just do it. If you oppose it, you're some sort of faggot, I'd say.

Interesting to hear about a dramatic turnaround.

Please, could you send me some LSD?

Being a paypig for consoom trash is not based.