Why haven't you converted to Islam yet?

Here's the plan
>Convert to Islam
>If you don't have one, get a degree in either finance, engineering or something to do with oil.
>move to one of the gulf countries, Saudi, UAE,Qatar etc.
>get a high paying job cuz foreigner (be american or european not shitskin) with a degree
>find a wife very ez cuz you're white and foreign and you now have a good job
>live life to its fullest
If you already have money/gf/wife well Islam solves all your issues with them. She keeps bitching about feminism? Well Allah wills that women should obey their man. She won't shut up about "the right to abortion"? Abortion is Haram. "I wanna go to the club with my girl friends"
>shut up bitch alcohol is haram
meanwhile you're partying it up because Allah is the most merciful

Attached: EjMdjfaXYAE6iJp.jpg (357x472, 26.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

adishakti.org/pdf_files/quran contradictions (answering islam).pdf

Pigeons shit on the kaaba

Too late. I can't convert to Islam after reading this:
adishakti.org/pdf_files/quran contradictions (answering islam).pdf


so tell them to clean it

Attached: saddam-hussein-laughing.gif (238x152, 309.94K)

>2 hours
Not watching all that lol

Pisslam ruined the Middle East. Many cultures that were better and had far richer history were wiped out because of a pedophilic war-mongerer who snorted drugs in the desert imagined he flew a horse to the moon and decided that culture shouldn't progress, humanity should just pray five times a day, torture their women and fuck their cousins, degenerating their collective DNA and IQ over the centuries.

Because I'm Buddhist.
Why haven't you taking refuge and become a Buddhist?

Anger, mental illness? Look at the US suicide rates, compare them to muslim countries. Look at the crime rate in the US and compare it to Saudi Arabia. Where is this anger and mental illness? How can I be angry when praying to Allah brings me calm and peace? How can I be depressed when it's all a test from Allah?

Pretty based dude.

Yet the Golden Age of Arabia came only with Islam. In the years leading up to Islam, many were unlearned and ignorant. Islam brought knowledge and science to the Arabs. True muslims will not torture their women. The prophet PBUH said "Among my followers the best of men are those who are best to their wives".

I'm agnostic sorry

I have taken refuge in Allah. Also Buddhism is a weak religion.

By being agnostic, you piss off all possible gods.

Holy shit I wish it would be that easy

You're really going to believe the Zionist lies? Learn Arabic, read the Quran in its original form. Try to find a mistake.

It is. Plenty of people have done it before.

There are potentially gods we don't know of that have manifested on planets other than Earth. It is impossible to draw a wager. Why should I be biased toward Gods from Earth? What if chimps know the real god but haven't communicated it to us because the language barrier?

cuz it’s wrong
jesus christ is the way

There is only one true god, Allah, also checked.

But Islam believes in Jesus Christ. Jesus is mentioned more than Muhammad in the Quran.

Would a degree in supply chain work?

Space is fake retard.

Admit it. Why should an all powerful god manifest to such low creatures like us? The Ayylmaos know the real god.

But Islam doesn't believe Jesus is the Son of God who takes away the sins of those who repent. Islam claims Mohammad is greater...funny that.
Mohammad didn't die to save believers from sins and evil. Mohammad didn't work miracles or heal anyone. Mohammad cast out no devils not even his own.
Mohammad couldn't even control his sinful urges to murder, lie, destroy, and even rape children. Mohammad sinned constantly and fluently.

Islam has no Salvation. Islam has no redemption. Islam teaches that lying is acceptable. Islam teaches that murder is acceptable. Islam teaches that pedophilia is acceptable. Do you want your own nine year old sex toy user because your false prophet had one?......answer carefully.....

In that case it would depend on your experience. It can start from 2k a month to 50k a month from what I've seen.