I’m legitimately concerned

This situation is 9,000 times more volatile than Russia-Ukraine ever was. There’s reason to believe China actually would attack if she visits Taiwan. Also, if she doesn’t visit, the United States looks weaker than it already does. It’s a lose-lose situation for the US government. This evil witch is going to bring us to the fucking doorstep of WW3.

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Nothing ever happens. China always win

>I’m legitimately concerned
And that's exactly what they want you to feel
This is as fake any other psyop bullshit they've ever pulled
Be scared and don't pay attention to 9.1% inflation and the recession

That is all this is
The timing is not coincidental
Nothing will happen

>Be scared and don't pay attention to 9.1% inflation and the recession

don't cry, you will be fine, you will live long enough to witness the nothingburger.

I usually use my normie friends to gauge the situation. If they have heard of something it's a nothing burger and if they're scared then it's a cover up.
ADL got hacked recently. Could be that.

China would not risk alienating themselves from the world over Pelosi. Pelosi will visit Taiwan and there's nothing they can do to stop her.

I doubt war, but a true purge a la what they wanted to with J6 commision may happen the other way as everyone who isn't on some Chink payroll tries to figure out what the fuck this last week has been about.

Imagine the fucking phone calls Hunter Biden is fielding right now though.

They'll never stop our unbeatable LQTBBW army. Go long on popcorn stocks.

I hope the chinks use one of those drone launched propeller bombs on her limo like we did on Soleimani and the only thing left is one of her plastic boobs.

Genuinely don't care

Casus belli or paper tiger. Its a lose lose for China. Nothing happens or a missed opportunity for the US.

it's not a lose-lose situation for the US
but it is for China
China won't do anything
of course, horrendous false flags do happen all the time even these days
other than that, it could all escalate also if US recognizes Taiwan's independence, but that won't happen atm

WTF is wrong with you. This whole thing is FAKE. Stop believing all the MSM shit being put out there. Her first stop was Mainland ChYna.

China attacks, looses, US wins. How is this a loose loose situation? Shane, pick up the gun strategy

Public perception of the US cannot possible go any lower after what happened in Afghanistan.

I mean,you can be concerned about whatever you want but as long as that don't change your opinions it should be fine.

Never count on the floor being the bottom man, Haven't you ever heard of Wile E. Coyote?

What happened? You raped em for years, got bored when poppy crops started to give less and less profit margibs and left.

i assure you, the USA looks weaker everyday already, Pelosi chickening out would be no different.

>There’s reason to believe China actually would attack if she visits Taiwan
If you’re a retard. Looking at China’s history, all they do is threaten and cope on the internet. China isn’t strong enough to do anything.

It’s been over 70 years and all they still do is threaten to invade Taiwan in 2 weeks.

How to make enemy that is weaker, but gaining strenght feel confident enough to attack you before he is ready? You appear weak. This whole tranny bs is just a feint to lure russia and china into thinking they kight win.

If Nancy Pelosi, a retiring politician, stepping foot in Taiwan is that damaging to the communist Party where they are threatening worlds largest nuclear arsenal holder what does that tell you about how desperate the situation in China is? The United States is literally building chip factories so they can give Taiwan to China on a silver platter in the next couple years. How bad is it in China?

She is a chinkoid agent so she must be doing this to give them the justification to start a war, on instruction from chinkoids.

Ironically poppy returns less profit because of Chinese fent. Then the Chinese got the rare minerals in Afghanistan and the poppy fields. The American elites have compeletly lost the plot and really should spend at least 4 hours a week playing a strategy game.

Seems legit. None of my friends or family knew about Russia even though they stage what 100k troop on the border? Then when it happened they looked at me like some prophet.

China is using war fearmongering as a distraction.
Currently the Chinese bank is collapsing.
America agreed to help the Chinese by creating a manufactured crisis in order to scare the chink sheep and to keep their minds off from their internal problems.

Well,30 out of those 70 years was wasted because China was underdeveloped country. It took another 30 years to transform in China as we know it. In the last 10 years they seriously increased military spendings and started to act more aggressive than ever and asserting dominance over South China sea.

>If Nancy Pelosi, a retiring politician
Lol, lmao even

She is going to Taiwan, and if China fucks around they are going to find out.

China is going to seethe about it like always because the commies can't even bring themselves to say the name 'Taiwan'. They're fixated on it. Remember that WHO video of the corrupt WHO officially refusing to mention Taiwan? Clearly because he'd been ordered not to.

We figured the Chinese could do a better job of flooding America with Heroin than our pharmaceutical companies were doing so we handed it over. 10% still goes to the big guy though.

It wouldn't be a military attack.
China will hack our power grid or some shit.

Her lockheed holdings will skyrocket.

Oh yeah, I too know how much Nancy Pelosi loves and cares for little people like us. How patriotic she is. How nothing could stop her from rushing into the breach to show the flag. I can't believe some normies thing it is a hebrew dog and pony show drama production just because she went to Shanghai, CHINA first to give them first bite of American pork.


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I hope China drops a JDAM on her alcoholic, satan worshiping head

How bad will be the shitshow in America if chinks cranked up the trade war and stopped exporting products like medicines?

>Pelosi buys nvidia stock for no reason
>US for no reason makes domestic chip manufacturing bill
>Once it looks like itll pass, Pelosi plans a trip to Taiwan for no reason
>All this happens with a chinese puppet in the white house

>local user can't put two and two together

You act like her goal isn't to destroy the US, and it's strength. She's doing this all to make us look weak. She will not land. Watch.
She also has TD, a disease caused by taking antipsychotic drugs for too long.

Attached: tardive-dyskinesia-5086529.FINAL-843b72368eaa4dd784c264fba4bd8e24 (1).gif (1333x1000, 95.31K)

inb4 pelosi "tests pos" for coof and can't go taiwan

nah, it would be another nothingburger.

>Nothing ever happens
Jesus Christ shut the Fuck up, you sneering idiots were wrong about Russia ‘they won’t invade nOThIng eVeR hApPens’ but did that make you think a bit? Nope, somehow you maintain your insufferable arrogance in the face of the biggest threat to world peace in our lifetime. Nothing ever happens? Just wait until tomorrow you stupid cunt