The state of (((israeli)))Tech

Israel can't create for shit. they only destroy, or steals from white / japanese / western countries and resell it all to india / china.

The latest attempt of intel going into gpu, and failing at the hardware level is just waking up many normies about this reality.

Just the comment section of these videos is priceless.

Also, recently, Israel tries to pretend they invented atmospheric water generators when, again, whites did invent this tech decades prior to israel ever touching it ( basically dehumidificator with water filters and automatic chlorination)

What are the political implications of a people wanting to replace whites with AI because they can't get the gift of creationism from the higher source themselves because they are cut from it ? What are the consequences of a group of people that can only thrive on stealing and lying toget benefits from every other countries in the world , being a welfare state sucking at the tit of the rest of the world for the past century ?

Not only that, but failing at their vaxx, intentionally putting dangerous / toxic method of Synthetic amyloid peptides in the gp120 of the spike protein both in the injection and the "Virus" to fuck over the whole west as their ACE2 receptor is less affected by it ?

THIS IS the competence of people that want to control the world through IOT and Internet of Bodies by the way, you should be fucking worried. They aren't fit for anything.

Attached: Intel... are u ok.jpg (1920x1080, 324.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Blah blah nerdshit.

Have sex incel fr fr no cap.


U mad someone stick your own shit back in your ass bro ?

cope the thread

Attached: Edward_Teller_720x1080.jpg (230x345, 45.78K)

This thread is retarded, but Intel is such a dumpster fire. I bought it because the PE ratio is so low, with a decent dividend, I thought it would be relatively safe on the downside compared to other stocks, I've now lost multiples more on it then anything else I ever bought

The level of israel simping in this thread is shameless, just goes to show Any Forums is glowiekike land.

Any Forums is and always has been a jewish board you new fags need to learn that

Attached: whitephosphourouse.png (1562x1235, 2.44M)

intel arc cards were not designed in Israel, that's why they failed, because goyim cannot into tech, and you cannot into lying properly you satanic creature

the CIA made your GPU
it tracks all your bitcoins

Have a bump
Oy vay!
HBM is money in the bank. The future is carbon based computing though.

>What are the political implications of a """people""" wanting to replace whites with AI
i hate ai

Attached: 1657247064400.png (1194x559, 264.47K)

How comes nvidia and amd aren't israeli ventures and can get their shit together without blaming their legoy status while fabricating it all "outside" of israel ?

That's some real sad copium mixed with irritated bladder leak issue here, especially when you even had to steal some of the worst nvidia former engineer to help you out creating this mess hahahahahaha

No, the IBM made the nanometer SIM back door on the CPU, MOBO and HDD for the ClA.

>cannot into

Give me a break, no Israeli is that illiterate in English

>Planned obsolescence rules the silicon technology industry, not technological innovation
>Kikes sell garbage to goy for 30 years that isn't improving in any tangible way
Silicon tech is obsolete garbage. Of course the kikes are at the center of a multi Trillion dollar scam.

>Mining bitcoins with a GPU

Ask me how I know you don’t know shit about technology or computers or bitcoin

alot of them dont even speak it

Means nothing. AMDunboxed always tests DX12 games that have a long rendering queue to make their shitty meme hardware look good

> Israel can't create for shit. they only destroy, or steals from white
True. Jews are like smarter version of niggers, but below insectoids, roughly on par with poos.
Notice how the 186k views have not increased at all in years. Kinda sus.

>goyim cannot into tech

amd and nvidia cards work, why dont yours?

>you cannot into lying properly you satanic creature
Quit projecting, you subhuman trollblood of pure evil.