This is a random street in Okinawa, Japan. Is Japan really first world?

This is a random street in Okinawa, Japan. Is Japan really first world?

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Okinawa is like the Mississippi of Japan.

Post random street in Detroit

I don't see any signs of niggers. That already puts them ahead of the US.

>concrete and cement is weather stained
>everything else is well taken care of, clean, etc

This is 100% a picture in someplace tropical in Japan, and how every tropical place looks like.

>least tidy place of Japan
>still cleaner than anything in the US

>no litter on street
>no damages property
>no graffiti
>road recently repaved
Nice try shlomo, now go to India on google street view

>no litter
>compact building and infrastructure so as to make the most use of the space as possible
Not sure what the problem is OP, besides you being a faggot that is.

>Old decrepit streets in irrelevant regions = third world now.

There is literally no litter or graffiti. On a nicer day and a hour or two with a power washer and it would look nice.

Looks like paradise.

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Looks MUCH cleaner & safer than lots of California.

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The building are built to withstand regular typhoons. They’re ugly but practical.

Okinawa is full of the US marines, they're bad influence.

Unlike many random streets in San Francisco, it isn't covered in feces, infested with bums/drug addicts/queers.
So yes, it is first world.

>old, somewhat dilapidated buildings
>working infrastructure
>no signs of serious urban decay

Clean well built architecture with no signs of chipping, bricks falling, huge cracks and electric cables well organized and not a jumbled mess.
Looks good to me.

>he picked the gentrified area that the college owns

The electrical wiring looks well done and well regulated.

>Is Japan really first world?

No, it's a run down shithole, only slightly worse than Britain.

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Image is a blur from the camera car trying to gtfo before it gets jacked

i'd feel safe walking down that street in the middle of the night.
so yes, it is.
(and yes, parts of the US/europe are definitely not first world.)

look at the numbers of the windows
must be a big house
i wanna live at that home

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>copypasta particle board and tyvek buildings with a 70 year expiration date, water table polluted with prozac, road will not be maintained and will be full of holes in a few years, niggers live within 1 mile

suburs in poland looks like this
from my hometown. google maps

Attached: Screenshot_4.jpg (1887x619, 263.57K)

i just want to live in Lubbock Texas

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It's not even mainland Japan you fucking tard didn't your grandpappy shid and fard his way all over that island during Jew War 2?