Why Did Hitler Only Invade White Countries?

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Libya is white?

Palestine..North Africa..Greece.. are you sure he only invaded White countries user?..

He has a book where he explains his views pretty thoroughly

He was a Jew.

Poland, Czechoslovakia aren't white

>Why did Hitler only invade jew infested white countries?
Fixed it for you

Old habit of a Indo-Cuckropeans to annihilate each other to the verge of extinction.

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North Africa?

>It is not true that our warfare pays no respect to international laws. It knows no indisciplined cruelty. But in the east the earth is saturated with the blood of women and children unmercifully butchered by the wild Russian troops, and in the west dumdum bullets mutilate the breasts of our soldiers. Those who have allied themselves with Russians and Serbians, and present such a shameful scene to the world as that of inciting Mongolians and negroes against the white race, have no right whatever to call themselves upholders of civilization.

Russians aren't white.

You meant liberated from the judeo masonic influence for a brief moment

Because he was a golem under trauma based mind control

They where pozzed you dumb fucking mutt. He did not carw about changs and noggers living somewhere in the caves

Because only whites were stupid enough to have jews

They were the only ones that could conceivably threaten his new empire. Non-whites weren't even considered human back then.

If you are with the kikes you are not white.

Europeans divided themselves based on ethnicities, not race
I know that sounds like science fiction to zoomers and burgers

He didn't invade a single white country.

Why are my countrymen so historically illiterate...

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Why did he kill so many white people then if he loved them so much? He kept all the Jews safe in camps where they didn't have to participate in the war and he didn't even exterminate them like people claimed he did. Why did he keep them safe in the camps for so many years if he hated them?

Haw haw you made Hitler look funny! You humiliated him!
Wtf I hate Hitler now.

Because anglo "whites" are traitors.