Why does God hate Eastern Kentucky? It's 99 percent white and 99 percent republican

Why does God hate Eastern Kentucky? It's 99 percent white and 99 percent republican.

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God isn't here anymore.

More rain is on the way. It's about to get much much worse guys.

im rural like albama
i got acres like wyomig
im extra chromosomes like kennytucky

Because they still mutilate little boys in their hospitals

And it's probably cloud seeding related so that they can displace some of residents who lived here for generations, while bussing foreigners in eventually.

Isn't Kentucky mostly inbred dirt poor hick white trash?

The internet has BTFO’d god.

get real, even India looks better than eastern ky. no one moving here

white right wing christians

>99% White
T user contracting in Louisville for the past three months. That is a fucking lie.

Louisville is not in east ky dipshit, try again

>white right wing christians

Louisville, Frankfort and other major cities don't count, of course they are filled with non-whites.

>30 dead
>Double the amount of mass murders this year

When are we gonna ban water? This is getting ridiculous.





>99 percent republican.
This is hilariously untrue, you obviously don't know anything about this area. Breathitt county, one of the hardest hit, has all Democrat politicians. Republicans don't even put up candidates for sheriff/county judge/magistrates due to Dems outnumbered Repubs roughly 5-to-1

Louisville KY is Central KY.

Hundreds are missing with a very slim chance of survival. It's a truly horrific situation.

I was born in Hazard KY in 1979 and still have an intact foreskin.

>100% American
that's why

cope seethe and dialate

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Hazard KY just had its nogs chased away.

Not my problem
They wanted to live there

That's why it happened. It had to be cloud seeding.

Mass flooding with only 30 dead is pretty impressive.

Wonder if it's just because cell service is down?

I'm from there. Dog fights, meth, corruption. It's a shame it's not the whole region underwater

>checked and schizo based