Dont believe me? I'll explain:

For the farce of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, Chinese military rarely used the terms "中国军队不会坐视不管", it literally means "The Chinese military will not sit on their hands".

"不会坐视不管" actually is quite serious warning which only used twice in history.

First time it happened on Oct 3rd, 1950 during. Formal Chinese PM Zhou Enlai urgently met with the Indian ambassador to China and asked the Indian side to deliver China's strong warning to the US, "If the US army crosses the 38th parallel, the Chinese army will not 坐视不管!".

n 1964, Formal Chinese PM Zhou Enlai warned the US again via the President of Pakistan, "The US army can't across the 17th parallel, any aggression against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam will be regarded as the aggression against China, Chinese military will not 坐视不管!".

As we all know, China got involved in both "Korean War" and "War to resist US aggression and aid Vietnam" after the warnings. For those who thinks Chinese military will make no moves should really thinking about it again.

Never underestimate how differently China's view on the world is.

Attached: will-not-sit-on-their-hands.jpg (1409x795, 115.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Japan-on-chinese-slavery.png (800x1672, 208.77K)

Let there be war.

based. nuke melbourne twice

>Never underestimate how differently China's view on the world is.
That's why Pelosi cancelled her Taiwan visit.

Attached: NewWorldOrder.png (1166x572, 168.51K)

>Russia just flanks their offense
>China gone

Less talk, more action.

They won't do shit

dangerously based

I really don’t care any more

Nope. People thought she did, but she didn't.
>US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to visit Taiwan during her Asia trip, despite warnings from Biden officials worried about China's response

You're not keeping up with the fake news, fren
Now "sources" are saying she's going to Taiwan on an "unscheduled" trip tomorrow
This was after other "sources" said August 4th

In any case it's not happening
China will saber rattle and probably conduct some more live-fire drills in the area but they won't go to war

Actual good thread.

Why they are triggered by some old faggot hag?

mutts will unleash their giganiggas and troon army upon the chinks. troons will be trained by the remaining samurai of japan, the zero will take to the skies once more. the hero of the great patriotic kneeling - fentanyl floyd leading the dark armies of morder from beyond the grave with crack pipe in hand.
they will eat the bugmen

We are all going to die

Attached: chrome_sNpjTd5ZZc.png (932x708, 1.05M)

Here is one of the biggest Chinese propagandists and he already cucked out.

2 days ago he demanded to shot Pelosi down.

Attached: Chinese Cuck.png (596x468, 217.65K)

So it's war,then? That is well.

Attached: 1603558332089.gif (420x431, 3.08M)

>They're serious this time. I mean it guize
>Look at this claim I'm making about words I'm using
Whatever you say Mediterranean Sausage salesman.

>should really thinking
ping pong ching Chong enjoy some nuclear bombs on your ghong zhong, slant eye cunt

Fuckin epic. Kino, even.

>>They're serious this time. I mean it guize
I've heard this kind of rhethoric before. They're going to hell.
Hope it goes better for you.

Nothing ever happened…Except this time will be different.

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USS Ronald Regan and USS George Floyd and USS Travis Scott will be with the lobsters and crabs in a war with China

Also, you'll never be a woman

china wont attack the us its all posturing

I don't give a 坐视不管

When has Pelosi ever said she's going specifically to Taiwan??

Attached: 1560069209016.jpg (125x125, 2.95K)

Thank you for the concern. It's always a worry whether or not we've done good enough. We can only have faith in that regard. Good luck to you too user.

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china can fuck around and find out

>"she can come alright, but pray for her, because she is going to die and be the cause of ww3"
>cucking out

just do it already you gay little niggers.
I'm so sick of all the retarded kike drama.

Attached: 1645674110448.png (422x396, 338.65K)

the crack pipe commandos will blot out the chink eyes

Find out what? that the US army is full of trannies and pussies? that the navy is full of under 21 soft queers? US has no more power, stop it.

Man... kanji is really hard

They'd do better if they threatened to cause irrevocable damage by returning Nancy pelosi safely to the u.s.

find out what? that u a bunch of trannies with diversity hires? give me a break.

Why are Americans, no matter their ideology, so obsessed by how other countries are being run? That's the point other countries to exist. You might as well admit you want to annex the entire world, just to end this farse. Muh Afghans muh Uyghurs muh Kony 2012 go fuck yourselves you obese retards.

i have had enough of these terror mongoloids with their C19 scamdemic and their fake conflicts, their currency debasement through theft at the central bank and everthing else.


I'm ready. Strap me to a missile and fire me at Beijing

Shut up. You can’t even run your own corrupt hellhole.

I know, Americans need to be put in their place.

same, fuck america.

No, facts.

Attached: USS_Tripoli_(LHA_7)_holds_a_Pride_Month_observance.jpg (5472x3648, 2.26M)

The CCP is out and on fire today boys.

Oh bullshit man. This is just like England uttering quotes of Churchill to present themsevles as serious. It means fuck all and is just more posturing. China wouldn’t dare go into a war it knows it’d lose