Is he still... our guy??

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I don’t know how war with China and North Korea ends, but I’m going to get my balls cut off with a utility blade aren’t I?

never was

Whats wrong with the high and tight?

lol, no. With WW3 we can go full scorched earth. The war would end almost instantly, the bigger problem would be cleaning up the nuclear fallout.

There will be no cleaning up the fallout.

always has been

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There will be no fallout. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are lush, beautiful cities with no radiation problems. Nukes are a hoax.

This makes sense. It's all about the bloodlines.

Shhhhh. Don't let the cat out of the bag.

fuckin this, if nukes even existed beyond anxiety inducing propaganda we would have multiple proofs of their use by now

I was in Nagasaki in the early 80's and stood at the supposed epicenter of the blast - surrounded by lush foliage. There were no danger signs for radiation poisoning. The museum had all the artifacts you would expect to find for a fuel-air bomb. Nukes are nothing more than a boogey-man fear bomb.

They have minimal radioactivity for a few reasons....

1) Intentional high-altitude detonation means little to no fallout. (For example, the Tsar Bomb, left practically no fallout due to the extreme altitude for the time that it was deployed).

Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were high-altitude detonations of extremely small yield bombs compared to today's warheads.

Typically, most nukes would be like this as that maximized infrastructure damage with over-pressure, and allows invading troops to enter days after with limited radioactivity exposure.

Anyone denying nukes is a moron given that kids in high-school now can do the math needed, and there have been college kids that literally built models of warheads (without fissionable material, of course).

this is true. the US government destroyed the WTC buildings and committed the biggest crime in history, the C19 scamdemic together with their Russian, Ukrainian, Swiss government friends etc. the US government has no morals. since it has no morals it would not let nukes be unused for more than half a century.

If both countries send napalms, nukes and etc then we'll see how that goes? China only has one side and if that side collapses it's dead, the US has two sides, I doubt the Chinese can do much on that end.

You do realize that nukes are nothing more than nuclear fueled fuel-air bombs. Aside from the radiation and EMP, the damage is pretty much exact... flash burn combined with incredible overpressure.

And high altitude detonation nukes don't leave fallout. Hiroshima was radioactively safe a day or two later especially given less steel-based construction back then as it's the metals you worry about for sustaining radioactivity.

Kim for sure but the other guy is sus.

Since when have we needed to take out a city?

I mean since WWII.

>that kids in high-school now can do the math needed
Sorry man, but you jumped the shark right there. Kids in high school today are dumb as rocks and couldn't pass a sixth-grade exam from the 1800's. Promoting that incredulous shit ruins your propaganda. You should rethink that bullshit,.

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Yeah Kim is still our boy

Then why go thru all the hassle of obtaining radioactive isotopes with all the complex tech involved if it's the same thing as a fuel-air bomb that is much simpler to make and far - far - less expensive. It's not logical because it's all bullshit, enlistee.

Maybe where you live.
Tell that to my son (15 - freshman in high-school) taking trigonometry this summer for early college credit.

There's a core of conservatives who still raise their kids to not be morons.