My impossible vegetarian steak had a piece of wood in it

My impossible vegetarian steak had a piece of wood in it.

Attached: 4EA0D420-5508-4C2B-9465-412DEF792090.jpg (3024x4032, 974.08K)

thats what you get. now eat the bugs


Eat the wood, save the planet bigot


Eat up wagie.

It is meat wood?
no refunds.

It also appears you took a nice chomp out of it. How was it?

you wanted shit made out of plants and wood comes from plants, you got the product you paid for

Technically still as advertised.

You will eat ze wood

Coming soon to america:
>Q: Why are there pieces of metal and glass in my fruits and vegetals?
>A: Because you let foreign invaders who hate you control your food safety!

time to make some easy bucks from it.

"Natural ingredients"
Permitted by FDA
That's the USA Food and Drug Administration

Good. I hope you choke on it next time faggot.

what natural wood is cyanide blue?

How is that a steak? It looks like some kind of of processed chicken nugget thing.

What were you having as a side? Impossible chicken nuggets?

top keks for not eating normal and that chunk of wood is the least of your problems if you maintain that diet

My girlfriend had wood in her this morning

Sue them for 100,000,000,000$

>american food quality

It's just the eco-package of the product goyim, it's good for the environment

I love Any Forums so much

>Impossible vegetarian turkey dinosaurs
FTFY, you big kid. Did you have ice cream for dessert?

Looks like part of a pallet

Attached: pallet.jpg (300x300, 8.41K)

>that clip of jamie oliver showing kids how mcnuggets are made of and everyone is disgusted but still wants the finished product in the end

>what natural wood is cyanide blue?
Nothing quite so pleasing to the senses as cherry smoked bacon, eh?

Sue them

>british talking shit about food


>impossible vego steak
fucking dino nuggets

One would say that steak was well done

>My impossible vegetarian steak

Attached: fuck you faggot.jpg (396x595, 28.48K)

Extra fiber

>t. High-fructose corn syrup baby

Why does your "steak" look like nuggies?

Congratulations you just won the lottery if you play your cards right

They are also treated pallets, so bugs can live in them.

Trees are vegetables.

You meal contains sawdust. A piece of wood somehow got into the bag of food-grade sawdust at the vegetarian steak factory.

Am I the only one who can't see a steak in this photo?

What the fuck. Is that food? It looks like something you would use for insulation.

trees are a plant, i don't see the issue

hahahahahaha! that makes a lot of sense, but wow.

americans don't know how to cook, so they rely on shitty fast food and delivery services

>You meal contains sawdust.
I saw no mention of Parmesan Cheese...

>food-grade sawdust

what a time to be alive!

If this is real, you could actually sue the company and get a lot of money. You could also do humanity a favor and get them shut down.

read carefully my friend

Attached: 1606856598502.webm (640x360, 1.04M)

Oh it's painted too. Nice. No refunds, faggot.

I think you are right autisit but idk how the fuck it ended up in the frier

The irony of a British saying this when they invented the greasy takeout.

If you bothered to read the ingredients cellulose was listed.

Wood is vegan friendly.