
>In a recent situation update, Ontario public health officials noted that evidence is emerging SARS-CoV-2 can cause “immune dysregulation,” a vague term that’s used when the immune system isn’t behaving normally.
>White blood cell counts may be off, immune cells don’t work the way they should, inflammation is higher than it should be. “Long story short, COVID-19 leads to lasting, and possibly permanent changes in immune cells in some, but not all, people,” McMaster University immunologist Dawn Bowdish said.

>Research is suggesting that T cells, the cells that help produce antibodies and kill infected cells, are taking a particular hit, and that repeated SARS-CoV-2 infections may be prematurely aging human immune systems.

>The scale isn’t yet clear. However, “a potential increase in acquired impaired immunity in the Ontario population could have significant impact on the incidence and associated burden of infectious diseases ….and other conditions in the longer-term,”

>The concern is that people will be less able to hold off future bugs and pathogens like influenza, or that unsettled immune systems could lead to an increase in diabetes and other auto-immune diseases.

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Take the vaxx

Pay the taxx

not gonna take it at all

Maybe real virus was the refunds we couldn't get along the way...

>She doesn’t want to sound too alarmist. “Many, hopefully most people, will be fine.” It’s also not entirely clear what’s at play.

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I’ve been sending people I know who took the vax these stories to put more stress out on their already weakened hearts. Also gaslighting to make them think they forgot important shit. I want these people gone for complying with the ones who ruined my life.

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Get the jab
Pay the tab

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Be warned, they claimed unvaxxed are affected too. But what they mean is that people who took 1 or 2 or 3 doses and thus not fully vaccinated also have the same issues.


3 jabs, strong as a bull, thanks pfizer

get injected
body defected

Doing gods work user

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>people with long COVID had persistent pieces of spike protein — the protein that studs the outside of the virus — in their blood up to a year, post-diagnosis
Pieces of spike protein.... really makes you think.

>lower numbers of “naïve” T and B cells (cells that produce antibodies) in those who had COVID.
>It’s also not clear whether a lack of immune cells measured in blood means there are fewer of them, or they’ve gone somewhere else in the body.
It's pretty fucking obvious innit? I saw this coming a year ago.

tl;dr When your own body cells are producing antigens, through genetic changes instead of a viral infection, it buggers up the entire memory T cell process.
You end up depleting your T cells. HIV does it. SIV does it. And mRNA vaccines do it.

Thanks for playing vaxxies. No refunds. Get your 5th booster. Exit through the gift shop. Go directly to hospital. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

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2 more weeks right, chud? The poison (which it fucking isn’t) going to kill me?

Lmao the elite are based, killing all the useless eaters. Can't wait to loot their houses.

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Be a dope
Get the rope

Hey guys I've got an idea. Let's go fuck with this intricate system that's been evolving over millions of years.

What's the worst that could happen?

Lose the plot
Get the shot
Die from clot

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Oh you