Bow to your god pic related

Bow to your god pic related

Attached: images (10).jpg (183x275, 9.23K)

>those coomer traps
you can tell he was a massive coomer before making it

why is this person being shilled here so hard recently?

Excuse me good sir but what is a coomer trap? Asking for a friend.

I got those, bro.

Attached: Cooms.jpg (500x500, 40.11K)

Its probably this mutt himself posting or he is paying others to do it. He is too shitty and retarded to actually have fans and more then narcissistic enough to do it himself.

Where is his hair?

brand awareness campaign. same with all e-celebs. shills create threads that basically suggest this person is being talked about, is significant, etc


tattoos are degenerate
this retard has taken too many blows to the cranium
does it even speak full sentences?

see this
i got them too I'm a massive coomer

The ladies call him "Oh, god!", but you can call him Fat Larry with a F-A-T 'cause there's mo' of him to love


Attached: 1659297246554008.png (740x596, 229.08K)

Notice his shit is lopsided too.
>Clear sign

Attached: The Real Jeff.jpg (500x503, 38.39K)

he has a nigger father

Attached: andrew tate.jpg (384x384, 30.3K)

Based and bloodlines-pilled.
Time for me to reinstall it again.

jewtube is pushing videos of him for some reason, not sure why they are doing that but it is absolutely the reason these threads are appearing

He has affiliates working for him that make all those youtube accounts. Also he is literally rich as fuck(think 100m+ tier) with a legit powerful network hes not some loser that's pretending.

who is the nigger?

He has some good qualities, shape, combat experience and etc.
But he is still running a pyramid scheme for suckers with no skills.

Lol sure thing shill when's he going to prison for human trafficking trannies?