German Green party rather pays billions to Russia

than extend the life of German existing nuclear power plants. Even more so, the German Green party would be happy to have a few thousand Germans freeze to death in winter, than keep nuclear energy around.

Where does the hate for nuclear power come from? Does your country hate nuclear technology too?

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Europe needs to keep moving on green energy. It's time to bring German engineering to bear on a stable and sustainable solution. We need a final solution to the fossil fuel problem.

Non-meme answer?

Mix of nuclear, hydropower, geothermal, biomass, wind, solar is the future of energy.

If you only want wind and solar, you won’t be able to make it.

>Where does the hate for nuclear power come from?
The 'elites' run the environmental groups.
Nuclear is the future of energy, but they want to suppress it because it would mean a loss of control and power over the people if widely implemented.

german green party also wants more climate change and not less, sounds the "green" party is all about something else than what their name suggest

>Where does the hate for nuclear power come from?
also, the answer is soviet propaganda, back in the day they funded anti-nuclear activists to kneecap western nuclear weapons, they spent probably millions to muddle the distinction between nuclear energy and nuclear weapons and environmentalists were fertile field for this because they were also influenced by anti-war/anti-america propaganda which also was soviet funded
really makes you think about how long effects propaganda has doesn't it

Nah, the stuff (((you))) pretend doesn’t exist is so much better a domestic user can pick only one of them and it would be enough.

answer is fukushima you underage retard

Attached: fincel.jpg (862x1030, 313.38K)

>splitting a sentence between title and body
Slashdot has arrived.

It was more the fossil industries shilling against it. Mass adoption of nuclear would have crashed the price of coal and gas, and to a lesser extent oil. The fossil industry has been behind the solar/wind push from the start because they know solar/wind can never replace fossil fuels but nuclear could.

>fukushima is the reason people in the 60s protested nuclear power
a genuine retard here

How do you run gas powered heaters and industrial machines with nuclear power?

>sounds the "green" party is all about something else than what their name suggest

its the watermelon party
green on the outside.....

>Where does the hate for nuclear power come from?
Soviet Subversion

Because they will 100% be targeted during war

A solution to our problem? Noooo, how will they make billions if we already found a solution and the power is cheap? No problem means no money NOOOOOOOOOOO!

Anzeige raus. :)

It's not that easy as it seems, the process of shutting down the nuclear plants already started and you just cannot turn a switch to keep them running. The greens were retarded in the long run for shutting them down, the current situation is not that easily solvable, because of their shortsightedness.

Nuclear is the most green energy what the acutal fuck is this planet fuck the jews fuck niggers fuck white people for allowing this to happen

fossil industries were heavily invested in nuclear power quite early on because they saw themselves as general energy companies back then, the shift to purely gasoline companies came way later in the 80s

You use nuclear power to heat up farts

Why would you mix nuclear with anything but hydroelectric? Wind and solar are expensive and no on demand. Biomass is just burning trees rather than using them for productive goods. Geothermal is impractically expensive if on demand.

So why not just going all nuclear and keep whatever hydro you have?

Geothermal would completely destabilize the tectonics you fucking monkey nigger

>Shilling solar, memewind, and other unreliable money sinks.
Found the jew

Anyone who voted for Greens should have their gas and electricity shut off permanently. Give them what they voted for.

nobody shutdown their nuke plants over protestors you snownigger

>>Geothermal would completely destabilize the tectonics you fucking monkey nigger
Nice to see the moron squad is around.

kek, love it.