I think nice guy national socialism is the future

I think nice guy national socialism is the future

Attached: NiceGuyNatsoc.png (1830x1066, 3.9M)

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Nigger that shit was a meme even in MM

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Thanks to jews greatly over-playing their hand, history is now possibly repeating...
>73% of Trump voters think Democrats are trying to REPLACE white people with "immigrants and people of color who share their political views", shocking new poll shows.
>The survey also asked: "Do you personally believe that in the U.S. Jewish people are trying to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color who share Jewish people’s views?"
>12% of Trump voters replied "Yes"
>Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always eventually be adopted by the majority of the society.

Obviously most people are not going to openly name the jew to some random pollster... so safe to say you can easily double or triple these numbers, at a minimum.

A quick and essential Weimar Germany history lesson:

Dude that was like 5 years ago

Get saved

The flag really grew on me over the years.

Fuck yeah dood

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Somewhat, part of it really is about being a nice person who is a National Socialist instead of muh ebil neonazi

Yeah, Mike + Warren were in a good mood on their weekly podcast.

National Socialism is about race, though. You can't be seen as being about race, and being a nice guy.

In case anyone's still here, this is because 'race' excludes some people. So your niceness doesn't apply to all. And some races really are not better off being among themselves, or else, it'd be a hard transition to make.

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How do you guys describe your political beliefs in normie friendly terms?


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Christian nationalism is better

I don't know. Good question. Be vague: "I think blue birds should fly with blue birds, and red birds with red birds".

That seems a bit on the nose. I meant more like "I hate both political parties, I think capitalism and communism are immoral"

"Well what /do/ you believe, then?"
All you've done is delayed having to answer by one exchange ;).

That may be true, but if you can drag them away from their canned responses, I think you've got a shot.

You know, I think National Socialism /might/ work even with civic nationalism, except then it'd just be fascism. I think a lot of the power of NS was that Hitler was a benevolent dictator. And smart. You'd have to find some way for the people to feel unified, though, and that'd be hard in current-day America. Blacks clearly don't belong - how would you win them over? Reparation them all you want, they'll still fail and be resentful and not part of the whole.

I don't think you could bring Jews on board. Jews are for the Jews, and that wouldn't change.

Funny, that's what the Dwarves say in the last book of Narnia. I wonder whether C. S. Lewis had Jews in the back of his mind for them? Probably not. But still ... Jews ~ Dwarves ... interdasting.

> blacks
You'd have to take them realistically and seriously, give them dignity despite being not up to our level. And demand that they behave themselves and contribute at their level. It would take a lot of ruler-ly attention.

"Bro, you keep seeing both parties are shit, you don't vote on who you want, just a puppet. You must take care of your people, your community, you know?"

On democracy just laugh about it and say like "what democracy? You are getting what you want? Nice system, bro"

Os monetary, talk about how urusy is the source of all evil.

You need to spread your ideas in crumbles so to make them take interest in your points. Soon they will arrive on the same conclusion as you by themself.

Reading is also good, and it is important to internalize WHY you thing natsoc is the right way.

> civnat but with extra donations to israel

Lol didn’t say juedeo-Christian

What even is 'Christian Nationalism'?

You have a point. I forget which show, but The Z Man (JQ'd paleocon) gave a lot of openings for such conversations. Use side issues, I forget what he used. So this comment is a bit useless. But it involved hypotheticals that opened people up to ideas.

Basically describe national socialism as it actually was for the German people in the 30s, without actually calling it by its label. Replace "forced deportation" with "voluntary segregation" if you think that will scare them off.

dont' call me a nice guy

I dont. I advocate for communism because I want canadians to starve to death for being retarded liberals.

There are roles for all to get an ethnostate up and running.

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