Does Any Forums like Dugin? Why or why not? He's openly a Fascist and has friends in high places in a global superpower...

Does Any Forums like Dugin? Why or why not? He's openly a Fascist and has friends in high places in a global superpower. I like him.

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>Global superpower

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The whole world united in seething when they invaded their irrelevant shithole neighbor.

Nah, he’s for all intents and purposes anti-fascist, because fascism and national socialism are western in his eyes.

>i just hate liberalism i literally have no other politics: the human

>dugin is a fascist
bait or retarded, Dugin is a (barely) crypto Russian imperialist.

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hes great, if you hate europe and the white race

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eh, not really. He just wants Russia to take over from the West, fascism or whatever other -ism you want to include are tools to him. He would happily support or attack foreign fascists depending on whatever is most useful to the interests of Russia at the time.

basically this, his entire position is anti-Atlanticist )(which is the core of world liberalism) so that Russia can rise.

sounds based when you put it that way.

He'd be fine with globalism if Russia ran it. It's all jealousy with Russia

Dugin is a fucking clown. I wonder if there is community somewhere on Russia internet that believes Alex Jones is a puppet master of American establishment, because that's how westoids who believe Dugin has influence on Russian government look like.

>the West with its ideology of liberalism is an absolute evil

Point out what's incorrect about this

Yep, he's essentially Any Forums; just programmed to

I think that an issue. Having no real principles orher than your own self gain is destructive.

Yeah supporting Dugin is fundamentally anti-white, since his ideology of Eurasianism has multi-racialism as a cornerstone. Russia must always be anti-nationalist and anti-racist if it is to sustainably expand into the territory of other nations and races. This is why Marxism was such a useful framework for them, it is explicitly against those concepts and allowed them to be suppressed and replaced with a new unifying ideology.

seems good. death to liberalism and fuck normalfag things.

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>all Any Forums does is hate [current thing]
seems like hyperbole born out of newfaggotry

Eh, I mean it sort of makes sense. Tribalism as a guiding star is an extremely coherent and potent ideology, certainly more so than loyalty to an abstraction like liberalism. The problem is his chosen "tribe" of the Russian State made up of tons of different ethnicities is an absurd proposition. Fighting for the gain of your race is based, fighting for the gain of your multiethnic country™ is retarded. He's got the same inherent contradictions as any boomer American patriot,

The problem with your point is that none of the things in that picture involve getting blown up in your home by a mongoloid who just wants your washing machine.

Dugin is an irrelevant hack who westerners pay attention to because they think hes some dark wizard master of Putin (he isnt)

>seems good
It's ALWAYS the people who have never read Dugin and know nothing about Dugin that like him.

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>has friends in high places
No, he doesn't. Stop spreading his sales pitch.

Name a single time Any Forums has done anything that isn't contrarian (you can't.)

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>Name a single time Any Forums has done anything that isn't contrarian

>Point out what's incorrect about this
It's an excuse, if the West was completely based and fascist (but still united against Russia) he would say exactly the same thing. Dugin opposes liberalism not on "moral" grounds but rather as a strategic necessity. The West must be opposed so that Russia can rise.

People who are morally set against liberalism, but have racial/national interests that don't involve a reborn Russian empire dominating Eurasia, are mistaken if they think Dugin is their ally.

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Who the fuck am I replying to lmao

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An American
>everyone I don't like is le chang

Kill yourself