Paris to Berlin in an hour: Welcome to the future of high-speed rail travel in Europe

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Is that for more effective distribution of migrants?

That's pretty cool, and trains are very based, but it's probably not a great idea to build a high speed train from one niggerified capital to another

>fucking hyperloop
jesus christ stop promoting this snake oil shit

Our country's transportation infrastructure is under the spell of the auto lobby.

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>another 3d mockup idea do scam investors
either way it would be nice if it can become a reality

inb4 (((someone))) hacks the trains and it flies into the station at Mach 6.66, vapourizing thousands of passengers.

>A super pipeline to instantly teleport niggers, mexicans and trannies anywhere they want to go
This sounds like something a super villain would invent.

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The jews ignore the most promising ideas, part of their agenda require those things to be very expensive and with lots of money black holes.

It runs on gas/electricity?

You realize nobody knows how far Paris is from Berlin, right? Like how long did that used to take?


>this nigger doesn't know about the TR3B Black Manta

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>Cattle scoop directly into a jet engine
What could go wrong

>no windows
No thanks. Looks like something from a dystopic nightmare.

Russia loves that it does.

>why won’t you just let the government have the final say in whether or not you can travel any significant distance?
We don’t crave being told what to do like Europeans.

Good luck landing one at Charles de Gaulle

Why would I want to go to Peris or Berlin?

>Transport blacks back and forth between urban hellscapes in less than an hour

Literally no point in this sort of stuff when you look at who it is at the service of. It only makes sense in East Asia where civilization still has a future.

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nice cartoon picture of an imaginary train

uhhh... no thanks? I'd rather drive my big luxurious car in solitude to wherever I want

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No nigger on the TR3B is going to faggy, colorful Paris.

So why can't you buy train tickets taking you through several European countries on one website?

We need 23 years to build an ordinary station in Stuttgart and 10 to build an airport 7B€ over budget.
Yeah dude, won't happen. Germany only exists to import niggers into Europe.

>toss rock into turbine
>cause 1 gorillion dollars in damage

7.5hrs according to google

Japan is actually building a mag lev.

On a Monday morning @5 in April with no school holidays

Where will the energy that powers it come from?

this is funny, there are like high speed trains all over spain, no one use them cause is too fucking expensive the ticket

>I hate new technology because brown people can use it too
Kek, literal kike mentality

That turbine doesn't make sense.

>Japan is actually building a mag lev

Japan has had maglevs for at least 30 years now.

Our economy is dependent on cars

Are you really that retarded or are you merely pretending?

This guy made two videos on how hyperloop is nothing more than a scam.

Magnet trains work and have been used.
Hyperloops have not, and probably don't work.

...where does the fan exaust go?

Well I guess that can be pretty coo-
Yep it's fucking dead on arrival.

How are those coal fire power plant restarts going?

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Chang why is Asia the only continent you can live without getting bullied by everyone for being 4 ft tall and weak?

This was my thought too. I thought hyperloop trains were supposed to get sucked through the tube by machines at the ends, like those tubes they used to have at bank drive-through tellers.

Wow! I'm glad I don't live in an overpopulated shit hole we have to share public transport.

Berlin, get ready for asylum seekers

>not even a fucking grate covering the front
>exhaust directly into the passenger compartment?

So basically we have a monstrously dangerous jet engine intake hurtling through open areas across vast distances with the exhaust gas going.....nowhere?

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You think niggers and beaners are going to be able to afford high speed trains?? They could barely afford their monthly bus passes.

lol , before that build = europe burning . and this is not working , to much deaths > by that massive high speed = only a little thing happening = all death . thats very to fast in earth near .

>That turbine doesn't make sense.

It does if you're thinking of running a ponzi scheme or are thinking of investing in a ponzi scheme. The thing is that people aren't retarded; they know it's a scam, but all they care about is how much they can milk out of it before some one else takes their bags.

Let's see we can build massive infrastructure that will never be profitable without government subsidies or we can hop on a plane on the rare occasions we want to visit another major city.

Airplanes exist?