Why do they larp as some kind of great power even though they are less relevant than countries like Sweden which has...

Why do they larp as some kind of great power even though they are less relevant than countries like Sweden which has 1/4 the population? Do they actually believe their winged hussar coolaid?

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>Do they actually believe their winged hussar coolaid?
poles are that fucking retarded, so yeah.

we're 1000x more relevant than slovakia so it's only what matters

We love our brother Poles.

We larp to laugh at losers like you that are constantly butthurt just because of our mere existence.

You arent even more relevant than Slovakia
Even Czech republic is more relevant than you

Nobody even knows what the fuck Slovakia is lmao, your only export product are whores.

Polish whores are infamous around Europe but Slovak whores barely exist

massive cope
kys cigan

You know what you are known for in the world?
Lunik IX, Hostel movie and EuroTrip movie.
Oh and people keep mistaking you for Slovenia which is infinately way more recognizeable.
You are the cumsock of V4. Nobody really cares about you in there other than you're in the way to Hungary.

lmao the amount of żidopolskie cope in this thread. absolute fucking subhuman kikes.

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>Slovak whores barely exist
top jej
Your women are like your GDP - bottom tier cheap trash lmao.

We are the most traditional country in the V4
Polish women are notorious for fucking niggers in euroweek

Why are you slavs like this? 98% of the planet cannot tell a slovak from a pole if their life depended on it

My wife is Polish, met her because of a diplomatic event.
She preferred to marry a monkey than a polish pig as at least we fling our shit rather than roll around in it

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poles are subhumans, animals, kikes and just trash

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his shield is an eagle or a falcon?

All you have is Witcher. Somehow you think, you belong to big boys club like France or Germany. You need bit more than few cool videogames.

I am scared that you bought overpriced tanks from worst Korea. You are like chimps with machine guns. Every pole i know started fights for nothing. Even worse than ukrainians. Niggers of Europe.

>Even worse than ukrainians.
ah, not really, jewkrainians are much worse than poles.

You have unleashed the Polish horde upon you. Unclogged toilets and stolen cars are soon in your future.

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why is toño the tiger fucking him?

Slovaks look like humans while Poles look inbred with down syndrome. Next question

99% of all negative stereotype about Slavs are due to Poles

>preferred to marry a monkey
Quite the self-esteem you have there KEK

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mmmmm no... even across the ocean, Slovaks are known to possess women of unparalleled beauty... poland I only remember it for the pianist movie

>why is toño the tiger fucking him?
because poles are passive zoophiles, that's why they love being fucked in the arse by tigers

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And the witcher itself is a work of plagiarism. Can’t even write a story without stealing. Truly the niggers of Europe.

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>And the witcher itself is a work of plagiarism
isn't it the plagiarism of "Gothic 1"?

>because poles are passive zoophiles, that's why they love being fucked in the arse by tigers
that's pretty gross, I regret knowing that...

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>that's pretty gross, I regret knowing that...
what is the most fucked up shit is that they even project "tiger sex" fantasies on other people, can you believe it? it's that fucked they are