Why do you hate your own ancestors?

Why do you hate your own ancestors?

>I'm so happy foreigners came over and genocided my ancestors!
>I want to LARP as these foreigners!
>I'm so sorry that my ancestors attacked said foreigners!
>I just fucking hate my ancestors they're such subhumans!

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i can't help you with this one chief

People who are not Italians LARPing as Romans and talking about how much they hate their ancestors

He's imitating libshits.

Foolish nigger, don’t you realize that the guys who got invaded and raped and the guys who did the invading and raping, are BOTH our ancestors?

And don’t you realize if you had a time machine and started taking things you don’t like out of history, or taking rapists out of your ancestry, that you are undoing yourself?

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The Romans left no genetic impact in Britain at all. Is a nigger a German because he's .0001% one? The people of Britain are 1/3 Anglo-Saxon and 2/3 Celtic+pre-Celtic.

I don't see how LARPing as an ancient Greek or Roman is any different from LARPing as a Semite. I don't want to be either one.

*People of England
People outside England+Lowland Scotland have less Germanic admixture.

study the CTMU then and find God however you want.

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This shit is so stupid, Christians aren't European. If they are then Islam is also European because both are "Traditionally practiced faiths" in Europe. We all know that Islam isn't but the problem thats left is that the reality of this argument reveals that Christianity by this metric IS NOT European either.

So what is 'European'? IDK about your ancestors but I am second generation Asatru. I'm White, Thulean, my Gods look like me because I am their descendant. Simple as. Im not a Kike so I know I never belonged to the kike god.

I'm not a neopagan and it's an objective fact that our civilization started when our people were already Christians. I certainly wouldn't say that our Christian ancestors were LARPing as Jews, they had their faith and their culture simultaneously.

Why are people from Portugal and Finland considered to be part of the same group? The answer is Christianity. There is no other explanation. Why are the people who descend from Celts and Germanics seen as the same people as brown Mediterraneans? Christianity.

I never understood this with Mexicans, why don't they identify with both the conquistadors and the Aztecs/other native civilizations, at least the ones that are at least partially European anyway.

If they are partially European, it would make sense then. Likewise, people from Britain should identify with both the Celts and the Anglo-Saxons.

according to the CTMU, God is literally everywhere. All the interactions between various fields and physical objects produce a network of shared energy or information which constitutes the makeup of a universe spanning overarching consciousness which we would refer to as God; an omnipotent, omnipresent being.

OP asked us why we hate our ancestors, he didn’t ask what the genetic makeup of the Roman empires remnants were. He didnt say a single word about Rome or Britain

There also seems to be some kind of amerindian biPoCx in OP’s picture, so even based off the pic we’re not limited to britain here

Pax Romana is the real answer, dumbass.

romans are gay fags who got ransacked..
We killed their male ancestors and raped their female ancestors..
We are superior

Soon, we will kill all the invaders in our countries..

So central Germany is not a part of Europe, but northern Libya is? You're retarded.