Pol approved anime

I haven't been much of a cartoon fan since growing up, or in recent years TV as I came to realize it's all propaganda. However I'm particularly bored and thought maybe I could watch some anime that you guys always go on about, what would be a pol approved anime? any suggestions? I'm in the mood for putting my brain into that hypnotized state when you watch t.v.

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>pol approved anime



Ancient rome was so much cooler.

Everything "pol approved" is cringe. These freaks watch Murdoch Murdoch and idolise losers like Hitler and the confederates

King of the Hill or you're a faggot.

Idk, there's some about Hitler that seemed pretty good that I've seen on webm's.

I yearn for such times
naa, Hitler did nothing wrong

Neon Genesis Evangelion. It is the /xpol/ show but it should only be watched when you're at an emotional low point.
Gunsmith Cats. Shorter series, still very fun and smooth action scenes. Based messaging too.
Angel Cop. One of the only decently popular shows to name the jew, I'll let you discover the rest.
That should keep you occupied for a while

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None. Anime is for low t. simps

Code Geass, here’s a link to the first season

rozen maiden
galaxy angel
milky holmes
non non biyori
senko san

Redo of Healer

Also boku no pico

Legend of the Galactic Heroes

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original Legend of Galactic Heroes, original Evangelion, original Berserk

angel cop, I've heard of it, might have been the one I was thinking about.
thanks anons, this should give me plenty to watch

I agree to an extent, but I haven't watched T.V. in so long and I'm bored

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Da classix


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but kraut
what is that doing on you picture?

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I would add
The messaging applies to you, even if you don't know it yet.
>Gunsmith cats MANGA
80s action meets 90s and 2000s, which means drugs.
>Jin Roh
If only for the A S T H E T I C S
>Full metal panic
Read the manga for the ending
>Starship troopers
>Legend of the Galactic Heros
other things in here are good too.

1 piece

Inuyasha. Toonami, late night, ya'll know what im talking about

Hunter x Hunter
It’s not based or anything but it’s not degenerate either.

>Full metal panic
I watched the anime and it kinda sucked, didn't like the fact MC kept letting that whore bash him. How different is the manga?

The only truly Any Forumsitical anime is Ghost in The Shell franchise.

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Watch speed racer from the 1960s. Old school anime

The last anime I watched was the 90s Berserk series (way back in 2004 I think), the anime not the cgi one. It was so good, after seeing tons of mediocre shit, that I felt I could swear off anime because I wasn’t going to watch anything as good again. Literally one of those moment where you feel like you’ve experienced the peak of the genre and you walk away from it and never miss a thing. Give it a go. My brother’s tried to get me to watch some other things, Attack on Titan, some castlevania anime- all tripe not worth the time.

Cause the manga ending is really really good.

nigger samurai

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Blob blibity blah blob picrel

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>living in the real world is for sissies
>real men watch chinese cartoons
>you just wait and see how /our/based tranime cartoons will change the world, just keep watching more shit and keep melting your brain
>my dream girl that loves tranime watching faggots like me is just around the corner...

The manchildren idolize their toons waiting for the prophesied future when they'll rule the world thanks to watching mind frying shit, while being one step closer to cutting their dicks.

Angel Cop

None can refute this, its the quintessential Any Forums anime.

Regarding your image, FUCK TEXAS
I can't help you on the anime thing, though.
May I suggest