Why do out of touch boomers say such nonsense?

Well what’s their problem

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the problem is so bad even women start to realize it, maybe you should reconsider who's perspective is fucked.

She's not entirely right. There's a war on white people in general, straight white men are the ones taking the brunt of the attack.

"we're doing okay thanks"...
The conditioning is working.

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MIL = based
Son = brainwashed liberal faggot piece of shit who is probably vaxxed and is going to die from an enlarged heart, or a bullet to the head

No he is going to die of monkey
>monkey pox?
No monkeys are going to kill him, quite possibly on accident.

Or a bullet to his kids head while he's forced to watch lmao


His son's wife 's son will be his grandson for sure.

Based mother

and then everyone in the house stood up and started clapping and the MIL had to leave in shame

Just so story. Kinda like "my 3 year old was crying because he doesn't understand how Trump could repeal DACA"

Not true, white women have been corrupted and even though they serve the enemy, they are also a victim. Same with trannys, most white trannys are victims of some liberal insane person abusing them.

His son's name?
Albert Einstein

I had to google him to be sure the name. I thought he was cool guy.
Do I even have to ask?

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MIL: shut up, cuck. you're the problem you nigger worshipper

also no bump for slide shit

This interaction never happened so there's no need to give it any more attention.

Wow, son of a rich actor is well off and doing fine? MIL must be wrong! I guess all the white men that make up the majority of suicides are just pussies then.

Her son is a fag, and he never said that.

that guy's son is a cuck with low T

>irrelevant actor makes virtue signal tweet for attention

His dad worked for Clinton. No lie. So he's funny, but evil.