Implications of Mineral Deficiency

I've worked out that Mg is at 60% levels as compared to the 1980s.
Mg is a basic electrolyte which is necessary for muscle and neuron activity.
Deficiency in Mg causes fun like cramps, constipation, depression, and obesity.
What's the consequences of having a full nation malnourished? Are we seeing society go insane because the food is not providing what's needed?

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Bump for you, buddy

Look at the USA at the beginning of 20th century.

Take some epsom salts or drink a sports drink, faggot.

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good topic, OP. have a bump.

why doesn't the FDA look into "food like products", and keep the american public more nutritionally up to snuff?

why do we allow the Corn, Sugar and Other Mass Ag lobbies to influence our diets more than substances that we actually need?

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Daily, for everybody.
A single person can cover personal care, but most people don't even have a grasp of basic chemistry, much less have performed any research into their own personal health or have any idea what they need in their diet.

Stop eating processed food and cook for yourself. The government is not there to teach you how to eat.

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Then they should suffer the consequences of their actions. No sympathy for people that only way fast food and processed food.

I get the concept of idiot traps. Evolutionary pressure to remove the stupid and weak from the gene pool.
There's a difference between not putting warnings to not put your fingers in a mower and having to travel over 20 miles to locate a store that doesn't sell empty calories.

>Universal drinking water and beverages containing moderate to high levels of magnesium (10–100 ppm) could potentially prevent 4.5 million heart disease and stroke deaths per year, worldwide.

>While magnesium is not toxic unless doses are extremely high, Brita filters remove magnesium from drinking water, improving taste.
You should get plenty of it from the water.

>Magnesium is present in seawater in amounts of about 1300 ppm. After sodium, it is the most commonly found cation in oceans. Rivers contains approximately 4 ppm of magnesium, marine algae 6000-20,000 ppm, and oysters 1200 ppm.
Dutch drinking water contains between 1 and 5 mg of magnesium per liter.
Magnesium and other alkali earth metals are responsible for water hardness. Water containing large amounts of alkali earth ions is called hard water, and water containing low amounts of these ions is called soft water.

>A large number of minerals contains magnesium, for example dolomite (calcium magnesium carbonate; CaMg(CO3)2) and magnesite (magnesium carbonate; MgCO3). Magnesium is washed from rocks and subsequently ends up in water.
Magnesium has many different purposes and consequently may end up in water in many different ways. Chemical industries add magnesium to plastics

Magnesium compounds are usually removed from water, because of the role magnesium plays in water hardness. This is achieved by means of water softening.
Magnesium hydroxide is applied as a flocculant in water purification.

This is a common bit of knowledge. The issue comes into play that a large number of heavy metals are currently in the drinking water. On top of that you have people adding in more heavy metals (floride), contamination removal is sub par, and depending on where you live bacteria lives in the pipes and has grown accustom to chlorine.
So, you filter out the water. You remove many of the metals you need. You can buy tablets to add them back in. The amount of work to have viable healthy water is nuts.
Or, you could go with bottled water and add more plastics to your diet.

Some days I wonder if the filter is meant to wipe out 99% of people.

>why do we allow the Corn, Sugar and Other Mass Ag lobbies to influence our diets
Money, it's seriously not economically viable to feed everybody properly. I wish it was, but giving everybody a proper diet would raise food prices to the point of everybody paying at least 40% of their income towards their grocery bill.

>government is not there to
governments central purpose to exist is to enforce the law
in this case, contract law
a product labeled and sold as "food" must actual consist of food
and not something else, say, like rat poison

True even for range farmed beef. The cows eat the nutrients, but don't die where they eat. Rock erosion can't keep up.
Farmers are using more crushed basalt in their fertilizers the last couple years, so the situation is improving a bit for intensive farming. Ranges getting irredeemably fucked though, no fertilizer there, just an opened loop.

>The amount of work to have viable healthy water is nuts.
Just go live in the mountains there is where the purest water is.

This was originally a question on the implications of society. On a personal level, I live in the rockies fairly near the continental divide so that I don't get pollutant run off. Health has gone up sense I've moved back. But, it's not a place that can sustain a large population without imports. Imports matter with people being able to create food and ship food. Not to mention other goods. I also hope for their well being as I don't like the fact that society appears to be going psychotic.

Himalayan salt is loaded with Mg, use it instead of table salt.

Just enjoy your mountain hick life with all the chink imports you can get your hands on + you get the cleanest air and water.

Or having a drink of ocean water is also good enough and you don't pay out of your ASS for it.

No one is selling rat poison as food in the US. All the ingredients and nutritional information are on the product, if you are malnourished, it's your fault.
Then move out of bumble fuck, US and to a town that has a super market.

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>nutrition labels
t. vaxxtard

Recently, reptile keepers have began to understand (from looking at human studies) that you need magnesium as well as calcium to get bones. You can have all the calcium you want, but unless there's magnesium to go with it, the calcium will not go to the bones where you want and instead kill the animal by calcifying its organs.
Lack of magnesium is a likely cause of increased heart disease overall.
Made me realize I need to get my own vitamins and minerals.