Obviously I am not the part of the stupid anti vax community, but wouldn't this news make this retards more emboldened believing that vaccines does not work...?

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If you are treated with Paxlovid, it is commonly know that you will get covid again within 2 weeks.


If you are treated with any kikevax, it is commonly know that you will still get covid

It means it's working

Can't wait for President Kamala Harris. Fuck this clown jew world.

He caught covid once, then his double caught it as well.

That's how you know it's working.

Fuck off, we don't want a poo president like Kamala.

We never said the vaccine was effective, now get in line for your booster and stop posting misinformation on the internet.

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Antivax don't care anymore, it was obvious in the the first few months. If it takes Biden getting it twice for you to question it while ignoring almost 2 years of blatant bullshit and shilling then you are the intended target. I feel sorry for retarded faggots such as yourself but unfortunately life is not fair.

Crazy how I haven't gotten covid once, yet this quadruple vaccinated, paxloid popping, child sniffing, Crack addict son having, Xi cock sucking, moloch worshipping, foreskin eating, kike kowtowing, money printing, lying, worthless, embezzling sod has gotten it multiple times.

>hahaha i beat covid faster drumpf!!
well that aged well, what's the next cope for joe?

Libtard media played itself again. If even this old faggot can take memeflu without side effects it's obviously bullshit.

why take it at all?

>if you're not subscribed to spotify, your Netflix subscription gets canceled automatically twice in 2 weeks for no reason at all
Like nigga what

In north korea, Kim tells them that Kim starves just like the average north korean. They believe him even though he's fat. Brainwashed people believe whatever is told to them when they are captured people.

No. They're doubling down and talking about how wonderful it is to have a president who trusts the science and how brave and heroic he is for doing the right thing.

Just a few more months and once the 2 years are up we get kamal toe for the remaining 2 years and she is still eligible to run for 2 more terms afterward

Guess you'll just have to voootee harder next time cuckservative faggot. I hate that bitch with every fiber of my being but I'd be laughing when they win again with Mail In Ballots^TM.

How many times do they perform CPR over his braindead husk?

if you did the contact tracing app shit to the whitehouse it would probably extend to the entire globe. a festering undrained swamp full of disease and poison dedicated to one thing: serving the israeli ethnostate at any cost