Thing eyebrows

Who was behind the thin eyebrow movement of the early 2000s and why did they end it?

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Juden. Thicker eyebrows are better

stolen valor from californian latinas

Jessica Alba was tasty, too bad derek jetter gave her Genital herpes

whats his name


Me, I did it

Gypsy go home

I'm a trap and I just realized I do mine like that

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you're just a delusional man in a dress. Faggot.

woman should have thin eyebrows - not too much, but definitely thinner than today, when bitches have eye hair that can be visibly brushed.

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post boipussy

I don’t get why people tell me my eyebrows are perfect. I’m not the biggest fan of mine.

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What the fuck kind of faggot pays attention to eyebrow trends?

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perhaps it's just the angle, mine look similar

Looks like a jew faggot dyke troon

Fair enough user

Has this cunt never heard of tweezers

You’re just a feminine homosexual who likes to cross dress. YNBAW. The sooner the realize that and purge the mind of the mental illness that you could ever be a woman, the lower your chances will go down from 41%

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how can one look like both a faggot and a dyke at the same time? also, she's german

trend from the 20s/30s

You will never be a woman.

I'm with bong, some are more eyebrow than human nowadays.
At first glance, all you see is a pair of eyebrows walking down the street

Angloid opinions on women are disregarded for obvious opinions.

lol, surprisingly true.


charlotte voll

Heroin chic hookers

Sharpie salespeople


Heard it’s coming back… thin eye brows and a mix of 80s and 90s hairstyles

Plus heard America will pull through and the world as a whole will pull through this change

Another weird thing I heard is this
Take it with a grain of salt….
There are reptilians who are like super big and are fighting on the side of good, except they did consume humans, but the treaty states they will only prey on human predators
And grays are real but biological androids
And there is really fairies
Except they are light orbs and supposedly the most powerful of all cosmic species
One on camera was one detected man handling a security guard if anyone can locate that footage

Nigga you gay

I miss old Gwen

need to rewatch Tragic kingdom

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It has to do with the eye tail, a more lifted tail would suggest more feminine features matter of fact a smaller eyebrow would suggest more femininity since males have bigger bushier lower brows.

I could be way out of line here but don’t some people just have thin eyebrows?

Can I get a name?

You have to go back

Part of the whole less hair looks more feminine trend (you got it with shaved bushes too around that time). In addition to being another place to shave it helped to sell those pencils they use to draw them. This was good for profit for mostly white countries.

Some white women basically have none at all or it's very fair (like the hair on their arm you can't really see it).

At some point, globohomo wanted to make beauty accessible to all women (try to lower the gap between races). The whole big eyebrows thing (where even white women draw these large streaks) levels the playing field for the girls that have bushy eyebrows.

Other things you see, like pushing the 'thicc' (aka fat) meme and having girls go to the gym to work certain muscles. That's something any girl can do. Even ones which don't have a great natural hourglass figure. Women tend to put on weight in places like hips and thighs so it's giving the illusion they have wider hips that than they actually have. Same for working certain muscles in the gym.

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