Reffitt wept uncontrollably when he saw his son come in to testify against him with the questions the FBI asked his son to ask him while wearing a wire.

Why do MAGA chuds think trying to overthrow our democratically elected government with violence is a good example to set for our kids?


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If my own blood decided to snitch on me, i am pulling out a mossberg 870 and spraying down as many people as i can.
Fuck this kiked out world.

good. fuck him. ethically, that kid is a true nationalist

Pretty sad to see family members snitching on each other for something so petty.
This is what brainwashing has done

Kid probably couldnt stand to his dad talking about how based Israel is and why blacks need $500 Billion for the 1000th time

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Why would you do that? Wouldn't it be better if you off yourself considering you would be the one who failed him as a father? What fault does the child have that you failed him as a father?


Trying to overthrow our democratically elected government and end the American experiment is not a PETTY crime. It's sedition and treason. You don't get to overthrow our democracy and our constitution simply because your candidate was so unpopular they lost and couldn't admit defeat because he's such a sore loser.

870 is a Remington product

>Why do MAGA chuds think trying to overthrow our democratically elected government with violence is a good example to set for our kids?
why do you think walking around in a publicly owned space is equivalent to trying to overthrow the government?
you realize that we have a federal government, 50 states, countless cities, etc... all with government leadership.
it is effectively impossible to think that walking around in a building in a single place would overthrow all of that.
you have to be deluding yourself.

>Why do MAGA chuds think trying to overthrow our democratically elected government with violence is a good example to set for our kids?

For the same reason that "democratically elected" government allowed Jewish people to take down the World Trade Towers using controlled demolition. If you think Jan 6 was the revolution then sweaty you are in for a surprise. Transgender faggots like you will be the first to be lawfully executed. LGBTP+ has no idea what's coming to it. We are in the process of lawfully exterminating the entire homosexual population. Faggots allowed 9/11 to happen and that's why we are eliminating them now so that we will never again experience the pain of seeing building seven collapse at freefall speed.

You two aren’t Americans and don’t know what it means to be American.

Are you really a nationalist if you support a county that hates you?

>they lost
no dear, Trump Won. The 2020 US presidential election was rigged, full stop.

message to newfags: Any Forums is always right

why would they need the kid's testimony anyway, its just torture porn and power gloat by the election stealers.

Hahaha I didn't even notice that.

>and our constitution
Don't act like you care about the constitution.

Not bad for a Canadian.

See how they spew 'chud' early so to farm them you's
It's all they got

I'm more American than you buddy, I vote. I don't try to coup a democratically elected official by force like some 3rd world banana republic communist country.

If the 2020 election was rigged, where is the proof? It's been 2 years now and Donald Trump has yet to provide the proof it was hacked and stolen.

Uh huh. Sure.

Not everything is a fathers fault. Now seethe.

You're the one who supports violating the oath to support some orange sore loser.

That's some Soviet Union/China shit right there. This country is lost.

The way this always goes is one of pushing boundaries. They go as far as they can go and eventually find the bedrock of humanity ready to topple them all over again.

The son did an interview with Vice

What a giant sanctimonious piece of shit the son must be. I hope he features in a cartel gore video.

guess he should have spent more time raising his kids than sucking off Zion Don.

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Buried by the usurpers of course.
Your move, NPC

It's because they've been propagandized to believe that as soon as the mobs reach the building is all over. Middle East overthrows were always the product of covert militant forces and spooks. The angry mob was always just propaganda to cover who really overthrew the governments. So now an American sees mob at Capitol with some smoke and flames and movie shit and makes the subconscious connection to "government was overgrown"


False testimony is not illegal when the J6 joke trial is run by neverTrumpers who promote Insurrection against the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court also changed the wording on Title XI, for the DNC, and not a single Judge was held accountable. That israeli necromancer Ginsburg was one of the criminals. Every decision she and her cohorts have reached is now in jeopardy, how long as Ginsburg been a criminal, who worked with her?

The majority of the "Evidence" has been fabricated.

After the Steele Dossier Conspiracy Theory, the DNC is allowed to promote false information and hoaxes, lie to the FISA courts, and work with Russia\China to take down their political enemies with lies.

Liz Cheney is going to fall very hard. Her treacheries are going to be released, and while she will not see any jail time because the DOJ refuses to go after the democrats and their cohorts, her end is coming very soon.

Liz Cheney is about to become very sick. She and other j6 shammers are sick but they hide it. Very sick.

The more this made up joke continues, the sicker they will become, they worship satan and israel, their false gods have betrayed them.

Repent Cheney and others. End the trial now, we know its a coverup for the many crimes of the DNC like Burisma and Steele Dossier and Ashley Bidens diary and many more crimes that the FBI is hiding from the public

AG Garland is about to have a very unfortunate accident. His God of Death is coming after them, as payment.

What a faggot. He deserves a bullet.

What you’re really asking is
>Why hasn’t the media told me to believe your side of events?
Why the fuck do you think, dumbass.